Team Member
Dr. Arije Antinori
Dr Arije Antinori is a Senior Analyst at the European Foundation for Democracy. He is a professor of Criminology and Sociology of Deviance, Sociology of Spatial Development, Organized Crime in Italy, Terrorism: Strategies of Destruction, and Geopolitics and Security of the Mediterranean Region. He has a PhD in “Criminology applied to Investigation and Security”, a PhD in “Communication and Media Studies” and a 2nd Level Italian Master’s degree in “Crime Investigations: Theories & Methods”. He is a Senior Expert on Terrorism and T.O.C. (EENeT, ECTC-AN, CEPOL, EUROMED) as well as Geopolitics and OSINT Analyst/Trainer, Social Media, Hybrid Warfare and Stratcom Expert, Police Force Trainer and Security Consultant. He takes part as an expert in several PVE/CVE/CT and security research projects/actions/training programs at EU, Interpol, NATO and UN. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of “ILEAnet: Innovation by LEAs networking” EU project. He is also a member of The Millennium Project - Italian Node. He participated as an expert panellist at the special meeting of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee on “Preventing the exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for terrorist purposes while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
He invented the concepts of (Cyber-)Social Security, Mediamorphosis Of Terrorism (MoTer), Balkisistan, Terrorist Avatarism, Internet Jihadism, Islamic State Of Mind (ISoM), Eubalkamena, Swarm Wolf, Jihadentity, Conspireactionism, (Cyber-)Social Ecosystem, Folks'n'fools, Jihadi Wolf, Live-Screaming, Artificial Inte[Glitch]Ence, and Jihaspora.