
Addressing the threat of radicalisation and security implications in the EU neighbourhood: the case of the Western Balkans


On 18 April 2018, the European Foundation for Democracy hosted a workshop on “Addressing the threat of radicalisation and security implications in the EU neighbourhood: the case of the Western Balkans” with the support of the U.S. Mission to the European Union.

The full agenda of the workshop is below:


Western Balkans
Skender Perteshi – Head of CVE Programme, Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (Kosovo)

Samet Shabani – President, Horizon Civitas – Association for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility (Macedonia)

Valery Perry – Project Coordinator, OSCE Mission in Serbia (Serbia)

Mirnes Kovač – Researcher, blogger and commentator on radicalisation, the Balkans and the Middle East (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Vladimir Milivojević – Programme Associate, Forum10 (Serbia)

Gerta Zaimi – Researcher, the University of Florence (CSSII); Board Member, the Albanian Human Rights Group (Albania/Italy)

Henk Visser – Programme Manager, Justice and Home Affairs – Western Balkans and Turkey, DG NEAR, the European Commission

Albin Slabe – JHA Counsellor for the Fight against Terrorism and Organised Crime, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU; Western Balkans Counter Terrorism Initiative (WBCTi)

Chris Engels – Director, CIJA US

Edward Joseph – Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies; Executive Director, the National Council on US-Libya Relations


09.00   Welcome & Introductory Remarks

Dr Demir Murat Seyrek – Senior Policy Advisor, European Foundation for Democracy

Walter Parrs – Program Officer, United States Mission to the EU

09.10   First Session: Perspectives from the Western Balkans

Short presentations followed by an open discussion.

Skender Perteshi – Samet Shabani – Valery Perry – Mirnes Kovač – Vladimir Milivojević – Gerta Zaimi

10.30   Second Session: Perspectives from the EU

Short presentations followed by an open discussion.

Henk Visser – Albin Slabe

11.20   Coffee Break

11.30   Third Session: Perspectives from the US

Short presentations followed by an open discussion.

Chris Engels – Edward Joseph

12.20   Wrap-Up Session

12.50   Networking Lunch



(For experts from the Western Balkans)

14.00   Introduction by the European Foundation for Democracy: Drivers behind radicalisation

14.30   The Role of Grassroots Organisations and Youth Initiatives: Good practices from Belgium and the EU

Cherif El Farri – Executive Director, Centre of Expertise and Advice for Prevention and Intervention of Radicalism and Extremism (CEAPIRE)

15.15   Coffee Break

15.30   The Role of Local Authorities and Initiatives: Good practices from Belgium and the EU

Jessika Soors – Co-chair, RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network) Local Authorities Working Group; Head of Service CVE and de-radicalisation, Vilvoorde

16.15   The Role of Schools in Preventing Radicalisation: Good practices from Belgium and the EU

Karin Heremans – Co-Chair, RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network) Education Working Group; School Principal

17.00   Wrap Up Session

17.30   End