
Drivers and catalysts of radicalisation in Europe and the impact on the EU’s neighbourhood policy


On Tuesday 28th November, the European Foundation for Democracy, TRENDS Research & Advisory and Human Rights Without Frontiers, in cooperation with Marijana Petir MEP (EPP/HR), participated in a panel discussion on the Drivers and catalysts of radicalisation in Europe and the impact on the EU's neighbourhood policy.


The discussion focussed on exploring the drivers and catalysts of radicalisation in Europe and the impact of the phenomenon on EU neighbourhood countries including, in particular, the Western Balkans. Although we are aware of how extremist groups radicalise and recruit vulnerable young people to fight for terrorist organisations like Daesh, the speakers discussed other, less well know drivers of radicalisation and the recruitment tactics deployed by these groups and individuals. A special focus was placed on radicalisation in south-east Europe and the Western Balkans.