
Forced labour in China: time for concrete measures at EU level?
Wednesday, 8th December 2021, 16:00 – 17:00 (CET – Brussels time)
Across Europe, increasing focus is being given to human rights due diligence, supply chain transparency, and modern slavery risks. In March 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution with recommendations to the European Commission and a draft Directive on Corporate Due Diligence and Corporate Accountability, calling on the European Union (EU) to legally require companies to respect human rights and the environment in their supply chains. While some countries in Europe have already adopted their own regulations, it is vital for the EU to take unified action and uphold its democratic values. Gross human rights violations such as the ones being perpetrated against the Uyghurs in China, can no longer go unrecognised.
The webinar will examine the issues of forced labour, the persecution of the Uyghurs, and the need for concrete measures to be taken at EU level requiring companies to monitor, identify, prevent, and remedy risks to human rights, the environment, and governance in their operations and business relationships.
The discussion is organised in cooperation with the U.S. Mission to the European Union.
Miriam Lexmann, Member of the European Parliament, European People’s Party
Sam Goodman, Senior Policy Advisor, Hong Kong Watch
Rushan Abbas, Founder and Executive Director, Campaign for Uyghurs
Please register via Zoom here