
Migration in the Mediterranean: Why the EU needs Partners in the Region


On Wednesday, 28 November, the European Foundation for Democracy organised a panel discussion, hosted by MEPs Gérard Deprez, MEP (ALDE/BE), Tunne Kelam, MEP (EPP/EE) and Geoffrey Van Orden, MEP (ECR Vice Chair/UK) on Migration in the Mediterranean, one of the most critical challenges for the EU as it tries to strike a balance between its moral and legal responsibilities and the need to manage irregular migration flows and human trafficking.

The panel addressed the current challenges and examined the scope for strengthening cooperation between the EU and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean with a specific focus on Morocco, a key EU partner. Experts explored areas including the need to manage and control migration flows so as to ensure protection of human lives and respect of human rights; existing partnership between Morocco and the EU in the field of migration; and the scope for further cooperation with Morocco and other countries of the MENA region.

Gérard Deprez, MEP (ALDE/BE)
Tunne Kelam, MEP (EPP/EE)
Geoffrey Van Orden, MEP (ECR Vice Chair/UK)

Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania; Member of the High-Level Panel on Migration (HLPM) by UN and African Union
Ahmed Herzenni, Ambassador at Large on Human Rights and former President of the National Human Rights Council in Morocco
Khalid Zerouali, Director of Migration and Border Surveillance at the Ministry of Interior of Morocco
Simon Mordue, Deputy Director-General, DG HOME, European Commission
Jean-Christophe Filori, Head of Unit Maghreb, DG NEAR, European Commission