
Preventing radicalisation among young people by empowering frontline practitioners


Wednesday, 29 September 2021, 16:00 - 18:00, Press Club Brussels Europe

During their adolescence years, young people are in the process of learning, developing opinions and exploring different worldviews. Education is essential to preventing young people from being attracted to violent extremist ideologies, organisations and movements - whether extreme Islamist, far-right, far-left or other threats to cohesive, inclusive societies. It is therefore vital to help and support frontline practitioners (teachers, social workers, etc.), and to empower them to better address the vulnerabilities of young people to extremism. This will consequently contribute to the prevention and countering of youth radicalisation and extremism.

The European Foundation for Democracy in cooperation with GO! and CEAPIRE, cordially invite you to this in-person event at the Press Club Brussels Europe. We will discuss this issue and present our EUROGUIDE project, which aims to offer frontline practitioners practical tools to respond to these existing challenges. EUROGUIDE, a project co-funded by the European Union (EU), is an online platform (link) for frontline practitioners in 5 EU countries (Belgium, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden).

Speakers include:

Friederike Wegener, Policy Officer - Prevention of Radicalisation, DG HOME, European Commission
Karin Heremans, GO! Coordinator prevention of radicalisation and polarisation, EU RAN Expert, and RAN Ambassador Belgium
Bruno Derbaix, Expert and Trainer on issues related to education
Demir Murat Seyrek, Senior Policy Advisor, European Foundation for Democracy

Please register by sending an email to charlotta.bauer@europeandemocracy.eu including your name, working title, and organisation

This project is co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union – GA N° 871038