
Preventing Radicalisation through Education


On Tuesday 19 February 2019, the European Foundation for Democracy (EFD), in partnership with the European Policy Centre (EPC), organised a policy dialogue on “Preventing radicalisation through education”.

Attacks perpetrated by extremist groups in Europe demonstrate growing divisions in society across Europe, which must be addressed. In this context, young people are key targets for recruitment by extremist groups and among the most vulnerable victims. Teachers and educators are on the frontline of current efforts to prevent the most vulnerable from becoming radicalised and embracing violence. They play a crucial role in educating young people to develop critical thinking and to become resilient to violent ideologies thus ensuring their inclusion in social and civic life, irrespective of their socio-economic, religious or ethnic background.

This Policy Dialogue brought together key policy makers and experts in the field of education and prevention of radicalisation. The panel discussed measures put in place by the European Union and the member states to address this challenge and assess the way forward in building a more cohesive society.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Preventing radicalisation through education

10:30 – 12:30

EPC Conference Centre, 14-16 Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels

Tibor Navracsics
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
European Commission

Roberta Bonazzi
President, European Foundation for Democracy

Michèle Hassen
Co-Chair of the Working group on Youth, Families and Communities
Radicalisation Awareness Network

Rodrigo Ballester
Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Navracsics, European Commission

Francesca Fabbri
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator)