
Propaganda and disinformation campaigns during the COVID-19 crisis: A discussion with young professionals


Thursday, 11th June 2020, 18:30 – 19:30 (CET – Brussels time)

The European Foundation for Democracy, in cooperation with the U.S. Mission to the European Union and Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, cordially invites you to an online discussion with:

Raimonda Miglinaite, Information and Communication Officer, East Stratcom Task Force, EEAS
Fabrizio Luciolli, President of the Atlantic Treaty Association and President of the Italian Atlantic Committee

Panelists will discuss the dynamics and the impact of propaganda and disinformation campaigns during the COVID-19 crisis and the threats they represent beyond the current times. They will also raise awareness of the importance of becoming informed and responsible actors online. This interactive discussion with young professionals from both sides of the Atlantic will also explore the need for increased transatlantic cooperation to address and counter disinformation efforts and prevent their destructive impact.

Watch online: The discussion will be streamed on Facebook Live. Join us here.