
The Radicalisation Awareness Network: Assessing its impact and potential


Since its creation in 2011, the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) has become an essential tool for EU policies against radicalisation. Through the knowledge hub of the RAN Centre of Excellence it has been supporting and shaping the EU agenda in preventing and addressing radicalisation. At the same time, RAN’s thematic Working Groups have been connecting practitioners across Europe in the common effort to fight radicalisation via the exchange of good practice.

This Policy Dialogue brought together the most relevant policy interlocutors engaged in the functioning of RAN to discuss its impact and potential. It was also an occasion to review the recent report by the European Court of Auditors on ‘Tackling radicalisation that leads to terrorism’ and, in particular, to discuss to what extent changes have been implemented and the way forward for the network.


In partnership with the European Policy Centre

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

The Radicalisation Awareness Network:
Assessing its impact and potential

09.30-11.30 (registration from 09.10)
EPC Conference Centre, 14-16 Rue du Trône, 1000 Brussels

Omar Ramadan
Senior Advisor and Director RadarAdvies, Project Manager,
RAN Centre of Excellence
Mark Marshall
Principal Auditor, External action, security and justice,
European Court of Auditors
Alexandra Antoniadis
Head of Sector of prevention and radicalisation in DG HOME,
European Commission,
Manager, Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)
Amanda Paul
Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (Moderator)