
Why Asia matters: Coronavirus and beyond


Thursday, 25th June 2020, 16:00 – 17:00 (CET – Brussels time)

The European Foundation for Democracy, in cooperation with the U.S. Mission to the European Union, cordially invites you to an online discussion with:

Harry H.J. Tseng, Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium
Bonnie Glaser, Director, China Power Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Roland Freudenstein, Policy Director, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

The COVID-19 crisis, amplified by an interconnected and globalised world, is a stark reminder that no country can live in perfect isolation. While Asia will remain an important economic partner for Europe and the West in general, the pandemic has also brought to light the intrinsic perils of relationships with autocratic countries. The discussion will explore the broad regional context beyond the pandemic, with a particular focus on opportunities to engage with partners that share the same liberal-democratic principles.

Watch online here.