
Women and Jihad. Pathways of radicalisation, proselytising and recruitment
Thursday, 4th November 2021, 15:00 - 17:30 (CET) - "Spazio Europa", via IV Novembre 149, 00187 Rome
The European Foundation for Democracy is glad to invite you to the presentation of the report "Women and Jihad. Pathways of radicalisation, proselytising and recruitment".
This study provides a historical and psycho-anthropological analysis of women's radicalisation pathways within the jihadist sphere in Europe.
The event is in Italian and includes a double discussion with:
Patrizia Manduchi - Associated Professor, University of Cagliari
Nicola Melis -Associated Professor, University of Cagliari
Enrico Colarossi - Senior Analyst, European Foundation for Democracy
Francesco Bergoglio Errico - Researcher, European Foundation for Democracy
Anna Maria Cossiga - Senior Analyst, European Foundation for Democracy
Anna Zizola - Independent Researcher, Policy Analyst, and Policy Officer at the European Commission
Augusto Zaccariello - Commander of "Nucleo Investigativo Centrale", Penitentiary Police
Caterina Chinnici - Member of the European Parliament
Michele Brunelli - Academic Researcher, University of Bergamo
Cristina Caparesi - Psychologist, member of the RAN expert pool
To participate in-person, please register by sending an email to eventi@europeandemocracy.eu.
Access to the conference room will be granted subject to availability and upon presentation of a green pass.
To join the event online, please register: here
To purchase the printed version of the report, please find the link: here