
From the Muslim Brotherhood to Sala: Parisi accuses the Islamic candidate

28 April 2016

EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is quoted in the well-known Italian newspaper Il Giorno on the recent decision of the Italian Democratic Party (PD) to candidate as councilwoman Sumaya Abdel Qader for the upcoming municipal elections of Milan. Sumaya Abdel Qader was  born in the Italian city of Perugia and is of Jordanian- Palestinian origin;  although she has denied to have any sort of link to the  Muslim Brotherhood,  she has not denied having been part, in the past, of the Fioe (Federation of Islamic Organization) and the Femyso (Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organization), two organizations that Colombo claims are indeed linked to the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.  “The proof of what I am saying”, continues Colombo, “lies in the fact that each bulletin published by the Fioe appears regularly in the ‘Letter of the Muslim Brotherhood’, issued each Friday in Arabic in London.  The Femyso is nothing less than the youth correspondent of the Fioe”.

This Article is in Italian and can be read here.