Turkey: the expert says, for the Islamic State the peace between Ankara and the Russians is a risk
EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek is interviewed by the Italian news agency Adnkronos.
Dr. Seyrek analyses the recent developments of the relationship between Turkey and Russia in the wake of the attack at the airport of Istanbul. The Islamic State, says Dr. Seyrek, is not content of this renewed relationship, also followed by a renewal of relations between Israel and Turkey with the newly signed accord; however, he does not think there is a direct connection between the attack and these latest political updates, seen as they occurred just a few days after the reopening of relations.
"Having said this, the accord signed between Turkey and Israel and the renewed relations with Russia can potentially increase Turkey's power in the region and the country could become more involved in the fight against Is. This is undoubtedly perceived as a risk to Is" says Dr. Seyrek.
This article is in Italian and can be read here.