
Turkey votes – Part II: All shook up-A first assessment of Turkey’s post-election political landscape

08 June 2015

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek and Amanda Paul, European Policy Centre (EPC) Senior Policy Analyst published a commentary on the recent Turkish electoral results of June 7.

The commentary analysis the recent loss of Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), who had hoped to achieve 55% of the votes in order to have the necessary support to create an executive presidency and who has been ruling as a single party government for the past 13 years.

Many points are examined to explain how this will affect Turkey's political scenario; how did the AKP loose support, what sort of government will be formed, what are the consequences for the Turkish economy and what will be the implications on the relationship between the EU and Turkey.

This commentary is in English and can be read here.