A Guide to Refuting Jihadism – Critiquing radical Islamist claims to theological authenticity
Al-Qa’ida, Hamas and Lashkar-e-Ta’iba claim that their violent actions are supported within the four traditional schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence, and that traditional Islam itself mandates a jihadist view of scripture. A Guide to Refuting Jihadism counters these theological claims by demonstrating that their arguments are not based on Islamic consensus or traditionally recognised interpretations of classical Islamic sources.
The authors are Rashad Ali, Associate Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society as well as counterterrorism practitioner, delivering interventions, training and consultancy, and Hannah Stuart, Research Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society and author of reports on extremism and terrorism in the UK as well as religious law and the role of religion in the public sphere.
This book was published by The Henry Jackson Society and supported by the European Foundation for Democracy.