
Article 01 March 2012

Iran: an anti-Semitic conference aimed at Hollywood

On 2nd February, 2012 an anti-Semitic "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" took place in Tehran and was opened by President Ahamdinejad himself. The Western guests were all extremists with right wing tendencies and who deny the Holocaust....
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Article 22 February 2012

Power struggles and rivalries in Iran

In the "Islamic Republic of Iran" internal Islamic political power struggles and rivalries are further mired in a corruption scandal that is unprecedented in Iranian history. Namely, the embezzlement of at least USD$2.6 billion....
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Article 15 February 2012

Hamas maintains relations with Iran and Syria

There has been an ongoing power struggle between Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniya, two leaders of Hamas. In December 2011, Khaled Mashaal decided to leave Syria and partially close the Politburo in Damascus. This was considered by some experts as a break with the Assad regime and Iran. However, Haniya eventually prevailed over Mashaal and chose to maintain relations with Iran. Hamas' politburo in Syria will therefore be maintained....
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Article 08 February 2012

“An Objective Duty”: Iranian ex-governor calls for a pre-emptive strike against Israel

In an article by former governor of the Iranian island of Kish, Alireza Forqani, he calls for the annihilation of Israel before 2014 and while Ahmadinejad is the president of Iran. The biggest concern is that the article by Forqani, who grew up as a paramilitary Bassij-soldier, was published on two news websites (Alef and Farsnews) with ties to Majless and the Iranian leader Ali Khamenei....
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Article 01 February 2012

Iran: “A model of Islamic resistance”

Iran supports terrorist organisations and ignores EU sanctions. On 31st January 2012 Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met the world's top terrorist Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah, Secretary-General of the Organization of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Brigade General Yahya Safawi also encourages terrorist activity to “liberate” Jerusalem....
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Article 26 January 2012

Iranian anti-Semitism in German

The propaganda of the Iranian regime is not only intended for the population of the country itself. Broadcasts by "Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting" (IRIB) can be received throughout the world. The station broadcasts in German and in 26 other languages. The programme in German is characterised by anti-Semitic incitement to hatred. IRIB has an office in the German Federal Medias Center in Berlin....
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Article 18 January 2012

Amsterdam: Muslim extremists demand the execution of Irshad Manji

Muslim extremists ambushed and interrupted a conference organised by EFD and called for the death of EFD Senior Fellow Irshad Manji and Tofik Dibi MP, a member of the Green Party in Holland....
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Article 18 January 2012

Deathly silence in the corridors of Iranian universities

Since 1953, Iranian students have been celebrating “Students Day”. This year, the Islamist dictatorship did not allow any demonstrations or meetings. Many student activists were arrested or held captive in private rooms....
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Article 18 January 2012

Iran threatens asymmetrical warfare

In a study by the scientific department of the Majlis, Iran's pseudo-Parliament, which was published in January 2012, it is emphasized that in comparison to the West Iran is in a superior position to conduct an asymmetric war. In such a war Iran would attack vessels intending to pass through the Strait of Hormuz....
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Article 18 January 2012

Iran: The importance of oil and gasoline sanctions

Iran continues its uranium enrichment program. This is one of the reasons why Europe is expected to agree on new oil sanctions against Iran in January 2012. But why is it important that some Arab countries don’t sell gasoline to Iran?...
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Article 18 January 2012

Oil and the Islamist dictatorship in Iran

For several years Iran has been warning of a blockade of the Persian Gulf. Such a blockade would damage, above all, the Iranian economy....
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Article 18 January 2012

The drug business of Hezbollah

Hezbollah is financed not only through direct funds from Iran but also from the drug “business”. According to the U.S. authorities, Lebanese banks are being used to launder dirty drug money. The drugs, primarily cocaine, are sold mainly in the United States....
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Article 18 January 2012

The message of the Ayatollahs

Members of the paramilitary Basij have been identified among the alleged students, which attacked the British embassy in Tehran. With the campaign the Iranian regime wanted to proof its resolute posture in its fight against the West....
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Article 12 January 2012

Iranian FM official dismissed from German foundation

Based on evidence provided by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, an Iranian official was dismissed from the board of German foundation Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg for advocating the destruction of Israel....
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Broadcast 22 December 2011

Arab Spring led to the Muslim Brotherhood rise to power

EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo speaks on The Voice of Russia about the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt....
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Article 02 December 2011

Internal Iranian government tensions over cartoon controversy

At the moment, there is an intra-Islamic cartoon controversy raging within the Iranian government, partly because of two caricatures published some months ago which allegedly offend "Islamic values". Ali Akbar Javanfekr, the editor of an Iranian government newspaper 'Iran' has been handed down a prison sentence for his trouble....
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Article 28 November 2011

Bahrain shall have no Khomeinist future

While Iran supports the Shiite movement in Bahrain in the name of human rights, the U.S. Navy is carrying out joint maneuvers with the Bahraini Marines....
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Article 25 November 2011

Iran and “Cyber Hezbollah” strategies

Last September, Jihadists who call themselves “Cyber Hezbollah” organised their second conference in Teheran. Islamist hackers and cyber-jihadists gathered there and decided to fight the U.S. and Europe. Hassan Abbasi, political strategist and adviser of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was present, and delivered an ardent and virulent speech. Participants in the Cyber-Hezbollah Conference consisted of so-called "cyber-jihad activists”,...
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Article 10 November 2011

Cyber Hezbollah strategies

Last September, Jihadists who call themselves “Cyber Hezbollah” organised their second conference in Teheran. Islamist hackers and cyber-jihadists gathered there and decided to fight the U.S. and Europe. Hassan Abbasi, political strategist and adviser of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was present, and delivered an ardent and virulent speech....
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Article 28 October 2011

Iran: not a model for the Arab world

Mostafa Tajzadeh was arrested following the presidential election of 22nd June 2009. Until then he was part of the Islamist establishment of Iran. Today he argues that the Arab world should not take the “Islamic Republic of Iran” as a role model....
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Article 19 October 2011

Iran’s Intifada Conference

On the 1st and 2nd October, the Iranian "Parliament" hosted the "Fifth International Conference for the support of the Intifada". The key-speaker of this event, Mr Ali Larijani, current chairman of the Iranian Parliament and former Secretary of the Supreme National Council, called the conference "the Islamic international"....
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Article 20 September 2011

Syria’s opportunistic use of Islam

Facing serious oppositions to his regime, Syria’s President Bashar Assad is playing his “trump card”. EFD’s Valentina Colombo draws attention to the opportunistic use of Islam made by Syrian regime to legitimise its brutality....
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Article 13 September 2011

Iran’s reactions to 9/11

It is not the first time that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has expressed doubts about the Islamist terrorist attacks that took place on 11th September. Claiming that the attack's true perpetrators were centres of power within US government structures and the "Zionists" is part of Iran's anti-Semitic and anti-Western state policy....
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Article 08 September 2011

Iran says missile defence ineffective

After the US and Turkey reached agreement on establishing a NATO missile defence system, a General from the Iranian air force, Larzad Ismaili, has commented claiming the missile defences not to be effective....
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Article 31 August 2011

The West’s time is over

Ahmadinejad's speeches clearly show that Islamist Anti-Semitism is part of Anti-Americanism and of hate against Western democracies in general. Indeed, the Iranian President has predicted the West's downfall....
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Article 30 August 2011

“Can you solve this?”

In Iran, many young people are denied the right to study, being they Muslim or Bahai. If they campaign for human rights and right to education, they are expelled from the university. The Bahai, as a matter of principle, are forbidden the right to study....
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Article 26 August 2011

Anti-Semitic state policy

Once again, Ahmadinejad denies Israel's right to exist and calls for its destruction. However, the Iranian Pseudo-Parliament (the Majlis) has called for people to take part in the Al-Quds demonstration....
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Article 25 August 2011

Iran against US dialogue

A 34-page report published in August 2011 by the Iranian pseudo-parliament the Majlis, analyses and criticises sanctions taken against Iran by the UN Security Council, the EU and USA. The report argues that the sanctions' main aim was to force Iran to the negotiating table with America....
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Article 19 August 2011

Iran rejects Universal Declaration

The Iranian Pseudo-Parliament's scientific division has rejected human rights and Western democracies. The Islamic understanding of human rights, they say, assumes that Islamic law, defined by God, defines human rights. For this reason, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10th December 1948 has been rejected....
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Article 12 August 2011

Anti-Semitism in the Majlis

The German Bundestag maintains parliamentary relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran's Pseudo-Parliament (the Majlis). The Bundestag believes that "paths of communications amongst Parliamentarians could be important." For this reason it is surely important to be aware of the anti-Semitic stances taken by the scientific department of the Iranian Majlis....
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Article 09 August 2011

Iranian Antisemitism

The Iranian state news agency (IRNA) has once again denied the Holocaust, referring to the revisionist Roger Garaudy. In an article from August, 1st 2011, the IRNA employed the well-known anti-Semitic phrase, criticising the “activities of the global zionist propaganda media.” The hacking scandal affecting Rupert Murdoch’s Media franchise News Corporation has become topic of interest for Iran’s anti-Semitic propaganda....
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Article 29 July 2011

Iranian activist under threat

Navid Khan Jani is an Iranian human rights activist. Being Bahai, he is not allowed to study in Iran. After having claimed his right to academic education, he was arrested on 2nd March 2010. The detention lasted 65 days. Navid Khan Jani was released on a bail of around 65,300 euros. In February 2011, a new judgment against him was announced....
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Article 29 July 2011

The case of Nadia El-Fani

"Freedom is a battle," declared the Tunisian film maker Nadia El Fani in 2002. In the same interview she said that "Tunisians have a strong sense of humour and a love of freedom." Anyone familiar with Tunisia and its people can only confirm these statements. Unfortunately, the Jasmin revolution, positive in many ways, has brought Islamic extremism back home either through the Muslim Brotherhood or, in its most extreme form, the Salafist ideology....
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Article Iran’s choice: Turkey or Syria
Article 28 July 2011

Iran’s choice: Turkey or Syria

In recent years, the Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu has made no secret of his pro-Iranian stance. Now it is Ir...
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Article 20 July 2011

“Ikhwanophobia”: A neologism not to be underestimated

In recent years the term “Islamophobia” has been widely used- and misused. If there are certain thinkers and politicians in the West who can be defined as “Islamophobes” for their ideas and writings, it is not entirely fair that people criticising radical Islam deserve this moniker....
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Article 20 July 2011

Against the misuse of the term “Islamophobia”

On 30th August 2010, Time Magazine had “Is America Islamophobic? What the anti-mosque uproar tells us about how the US regards Muslims” as its cover story. I must admit if the cover with a stars and stripes crescent shocked me, I was really appalled when I read the article inside....
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