
Article 11 February 2014

A mosque financed by Saudi Arabia is being raised in Milan

Building plans for the first big mosque in Milan have been largely discussed. It seems that the project involves Islamic representatives who are close to the Salafist and the Muslim Brotherhood. EFD’s Giovanni Giacalone highlights a further problem concerning financing measures for the mosque....
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Article 10 February 2014

Turkey, a living hell for journalists

Erdogan’s government is now far from being a model for democracy and modernity in the Islamic world. These are EFD Researcher Giovanni Giacalone’s words, which draw attention to the large scale arrest of journalists in Turkey....
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Article 07 February 2014

Beyond Sochi — Putin, Russia losing battle with radical Islam

Russian president Vladimir Putin’s reputation is tied to success during the Sochi Olympics and he does not want to fail. Yet the more security elements the Russian authorities put in place, the more they highlight that Russia is losing its broader battle with radical Islam—beyond Sochi....
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Article 06 February 2014

“Mum, I’m fighting for Allah now”

Around 200 young people from Germany have joined the civil war in Syria, but there are thousands more who dream of going down in history as Muslim heroes....
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Article 06 February 2014

Putin’s Olympic projections

Despite the sportive nature of the Olympic Games, the Sochi Olympics are extremely important to Vladimir Putin with regards politics. As EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya shows in the below article, Western participation to these Games would only support the Russian corrupted government....
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Interview 05 February 2014

It is difficult to differentiate neo-democratic Islamists from the supporters of violent extremism

In an interview with the Tunisian newspaper Al-Maghreb, EFD Senior Fellow Bakary Sambe says that the Libyan crisis has contributed to the spread of jihadist groups in northern Mali and in the region of southern Algeria....
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Article 05 February 2014

Sochi winter Olympics highlight jihadi threat

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics are only two days away, and one of the biggest concerns still seems to be security — a concern that is more than justified in the wake of December's Volgograd bombings....
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Press Release 04 February 2014

EFD is disseminating a ‘Guide to Refuting Jihadism’

As part of our longstanding efforts to support European Muslims who are countering radical Islam, EFD is disseminating A Guide to Refuting Jihadism within Muslim communities in Britain and Europe. The guide presents scripturally sound theological arguments that contradict core tenets of jihadist beliefs....
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Article 04 February 2014

Pisapia nods to the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s who will carry out the first mosque in Milan

Giovanni Giacalone discusses Pisapia’s municipality’s ongoing decision to entrust Islamic representatives, who share the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology, with the building project of the first big Milanese mosque....
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Article 01 February 2014

Ahead of Sochi Olympics, cossack brigades and lifted ban on demonstrations

EFD Fellow Anna Borschchevskaya discusses the new decree issued by the Russian president Vladimir Putin to control demonstrations during the winter Olympic Games in Sochi....
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Article 01 February 2014

Senegal’s seizure of Russian trawler Oleg Naydyonov

In the below article, EFD’s Anna Borschchevskaya illustrates the dynamics involving a Russian trawler seized by the Senegalese military near the coast of Guinea-Bissau in January 2014....
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Article 01 February 2014

The $15 billion Russia-Ukraine deal

On December 2013, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yanukovych, respectively the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, concluded a deal: Ukraine would not sign the Association Agreement with the EU in return for a $15 billion loan from Russia....
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Article 31 January 2014

In January, Iran has not built the bomb

This article is currently only available in French, and can be read here.....
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Mention 28 January 2014

EFD in the news: empowering European Muslims fighting religious extremism

La Croix, one of France’s oldest and most respected newspapers, published an article that recognises the importance of our work to empower European Muslims who promote democratic values such as freedom of thought, pluralism and respect for individual freedoms....
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Article 28 January 2014

Syria — descent into hell

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Magnus Norell discusses the potential impact of the Geneva II Conference on the bloody crisis in Syria. According to Magnus, the conference will not result into a failure only if military problems would be also tackled....
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Article 28 January 2014

Three years after Mubarak, Egypt welcomes new dictator

“It is almost official now that the Egyptian chief of the armed forces, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, would run for the next presidential elections.” Would General al-Sisi’s victory pave the way for democracy in Egypt? EFD Researcher Giovanni Giacalone provides a comprehensive view of the current Egyptian policy framework and the difficulties it faces to achieve democracy....
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Mention 25 January 2014

“Easyjet-Jihad”: Budget airlines offer easy access to Syria’s civil war

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino is quoted in Switzerland's daily Aargauer Zeitung in an article on the ease with which Swiss jihadists can access the civil war in Syria. "It has never been easier for radicals to fight in the name of jihad", he says....
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Mention 25 January 2014

Cheap flights to Syria’s civil war

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino is mentioned in Switzerland’s 20 Minuten in an article on the ease with which Swiss jihadists can access the civil war in Syria....
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Mention 23 January 2014

Islamic ‘magistrates’ in Germany

EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour speaks to journalist Marion Bacher about the practise of unofficial, Islamic ‘magistrates’ in Germany....
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Mention 21 January 2014

Does God forbid us from having fun? Transcript of a discussion in Neukölln, Berlin

Germany's Centre for Democratic Culture (ZDK) has published the transcript of a debate held in Berlin on the topic of the Islamic image of God. The debate featured prominent speakers including EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour, who also works closely with the ZDK. The speakers addressed a number of critical questions, including the image of God as a merciful vs. a punitive being; the image of God which young Muslims grow up with; the effect of...
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Article 21 January 2014

Western secret manoeuvres to approach Assad

European fighters, who have been travelling to Syria in the name of Jihad, may one day come back to Europe with their Islamic fundamentalism. This scenario significantly worries Western countries, which therefore started to consider President Assad as a possible ally....
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Article 20 January 2014

Democracy and confusions, its paradoxes and dangers

In the below article, EFD Senior Fellow Richard Rossin refers to the particular importance of democracy: “our great victory inherited from the Enlightenment”. Nevertheless, nowadays in the Middle East, recent theocracies contradict the promotion of democratic values....
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Article 20 January 2014

Let’s criminalise forced marriage: secular and Islamic perspectives

In a rejoinder to Amrit Wilson's article Criminalising forced marriage in the UK: why it will not help women, Tehmina Kazi lays out the arguments for the criminalisation of forced marriage, with a particular focus on the Scottish Parliament's recent consultation on full criminalisation....
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Article 17 January 2014

Syria: Fears and hopes for Geneva

Next week an UN-backed conference on Syria begins in Geneva, attended by representatives from both Syria and the international community. EFD Senior Policy Advisor Magnus Norell explains which possible conclusions could be reached during the conference....
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Article 14 January 2014

Islam taught in German and Austrian schools

EFD Researcher Giovanni Giacalone discusses the possibility of introducing Islam into the education systems of European schools. Both Germany and Austria have already adopted this initiative to stem the tide of Islamic radicalisation....
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Article 13 January 2014

A secular constitution is the new Islamist strategy

Tunisia's new constitution appears to be more secular than most had expected. EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo observes that the Tunisian government seems to compromise on Islamic legislation as a strategy to avoid the recent scenario in Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared a "terrorist organisation"....
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Article 09 January 2014

The battle call of the Muslim Brotherhood

According to EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo, ever since the Egyptian government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a "terrorist organisation" on 25th December 2013, this Islamist group has been showing its true colours by inciting violence and using media to convince their audience of their innocence....
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Article 08 January 2014

Dieudonné or the fragile and confused state

France has witnessed an increase in anti-Semitic gestures, sparked by comedian Dieudonné’s creation of the infamous “quenelle” gesture. EFD Senior Fellow Richard Rossin observes how French politicians are showing their indignation towards this rise in anti-Semitism, but seem to be too busy complaining and fail to stimulate significant change....
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Article 08 January 2014

Facing death penalty when defending freedom

Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, detained in a Saudi prison since 2012 for offences against Islamic religious figures, is now being tried for apostasy. EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo condemns such a sentence and highlights how Badawi's blogging activities were merely trying to provide Saudi civil society with a voice in the midst repression....
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Article, Mention 08 January 2014

My son, the Salafist

Austria’s daily newspaper Wiener Zeitung features a report on the counter-radicalisation work of EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour in Germany....
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Article 08 January 2014

Russia’s growing Middle East influence

Russian President Vladimir Putin achieved perhaps his most desired goal in 2013: He successfully positioned Russia as indispensable to resolving key international problems. And nowhere has his success been more visible than in the Syrian conflict and Iranian nuclear negotiations....
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Article 07 January 2014

The Egyptian government stands beside Coptic Christians

EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo writes that the decision made by the Egyptian government to regard the Muslim Brotherhood as a "terrorist organisation" has been triggered by ongoing discrimination against Christian Copts in Egypt, and that the Egyptian government understands the need to protect this religious minority....
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Article 01 January 2014

Lavrov’s Visit to Tehran Strengthens Russia-Iran

In a monthly Operational Environment Watch commentary, EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya writes that Lavrov's visit to Tehran in December appears to have strengthened Russia-Iran ties, commenting on their shared interests....
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Article 01 January 2014

Russia Strengthens Its Presence in the Caucasus amidst Protests

In a monthly Operational Environment Watch commentary, EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya observes that Russia is not intending to loosen its grip in the South Caucasus. This decision comes soon after Armenia's joining of Russia's Customs Union....
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Article 01 January 2014

Russia’s $2 Billion Weapons Deal with Egypt

Russia's $2 billion weapons deal with Egypt is viewed, by EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya, as an attempt to renew Soviet-era ties. This deal also gives Russia the opportunity to fill the void that the U.S. is leaving as an ally for Egypt, thus increasing its influence in the Middle East....
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Article 20 December 2013

Darfur: for a free and democratic Sudan

This article is currently only available in French, and can be read here.....
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