11 May 2016
Jihad, what lies behind the arrests in Italy
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo writes about the recent events that lead to the arrest of four people in the Italian city of Lecco, accused of plotting a terror attack in Italy. Two of the four individuals had direct ties to the Islamic State....
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07 May 2016
Bakary Sambe, Director of Timbuktu Institute: “confraternities will constitute a protection against Jihadism only if…”
EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Bakary Sambe is quoted in the daily online Senegalese news paper Dakaractu....
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05 May 2016
Enough with foreign funding of Islam
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is interviewed by the Italian daily newspaper Libero on how Italy can better prevent the spread of Islamic radicalization in its mosques around the country....
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05 May 2016
No obstacles on the way to Europe
This article by the Wiener Zeitung reports on Turkey’s progress concerning the fulfillment of the EU’s conditions to acquire visa exemptions for its citizens....
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03 May 2016
A dream come true for Ahmad Mansour
This article by Nordwest Zeitung reports on the award presentation of the Carl-von-Ossietzky award to Ahmad Mansour on 3 May 2016. In his acceptance speech Mansour stressed that violence begins in people's minds, referring to the large number of hostilities he receives on a daily basis and declaring that this award re-affirms his continuous efforts for the promotion of democracy....
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03 May 2016
Ahmad Mansour: A conversation with his laudator, former German Interior Minister Gerhart Baum
In this radio interview, hosted by radio bremen, former German Interior Minister Gerhart Baum speaks about the decision to award EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour with the Carl-von-Ossietzky award. Baum stresses the importance of the role Mansour has played over the years as a point of reference for the German Muslim community during times of rising Islamophobia in Germany and the importance of the preventative work that he has been doing for...
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03 May 2016
EU visa-liberalisation for Turks: just around the corner?
At the 18 March EU-Turkey Summit, EU leaders pledged to lift visa requirements for Turkish citizens travelling to the Schengen zone by the end of June 2016, if Ankara met the required 72 benchmarks....
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03 May 2016
From being friends with the anti-Semitic Imam, to (almost) a candidate. The Democratic Party in Milan is in total chaos on fundamentalism and political Islam
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is mentioned by the well-known Italian newspaper Il Foglio regarding the candidacy of Sameh Meligy for the municipal elections of Milan, an Italian originally from Egypt and member of the Alleanza Islamica d’Italia (Islamic Alliance of Italy)....
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03 May 2016
Psychologist Ahmad Mansour: “We need a German Islam”
EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour is interviewed by Deutsche Welle about the recent demand raised by the leader of the German Christian Democratic Union party, Volker Kauder, on government control over local mosques. Instead of a general surveillance system, we need a European Islam that universally supports human rights, says Mansour. This is not the responsibility of the German politicians, argues Mansour, it must come from within the Muslim...
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03 May 2016
This is not my war
EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour is interviewed by the Weser Kurier about his commitment to democracy. He comments on the hostilities he experienced from within the Muslim community following the publication of his book Generation Allah and why he continues to make an effort to fight for what he believes in, despite animosity and threats. „Only if democracy is steadily fought for, can it be preserved.”...
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01 May 2016
Countering propaganda with facts
In this article, published in the German Council on Foreign Relations’ IP magazine, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Alexander Ritzmann argues that exposing the downright falsehoods of the propaganda of the so-called “Islamic State” (Isis) through targeted counter narratives will obstruct their recruiting efforts....
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01 May 2016
EU- Iran relations after the nuclear deal
The signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and global powers on 14 July 2015 was a major turning point in the emerging strategic landscape of the Middle East. The ‘nuclear deal’ led to the lifting by the EU and the US of nuclear-related sanctions and is now operational....
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29 April 2016
From proselytism on the web to the enrolment of families. Now they are more dangerous
EFD Senior Counsellor John Duhig and EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek are mentioned in the centre-left Italian newspaper La Stampa in an article entitled: 'How is Islamic radicalisation spreading so quickly in Europe today? What tools are terrorist organisations using to spread their ideology?'...
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28 April 2016
Egypt at a crossroad between the Mediterranean and the Saudi finance
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo writes about the recent visit of the King of Saudi Arabia to Egypt, which resulted in a series of investment agreements between the two countries....
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28 April 2016
From the Muslim Brotherhood to Sala: Parisi accuses the Islamic candidate
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is quoted in the well-known Italian newspaper Il Giorno on the recent decision of the Italian Democratic Party (PD) to candidate as councilor Sumaya Abdel Qader for the upcoming municipal elections of Milan...
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27 April 2016
Two candidates for the Democratic Party of Milan, due different versions of the Islamic world
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is quoted by the prominent Italian newspaper Il Foglio when commenting the recent decision of the Italian Democratic Party to candidate Sumaya Abdel Qader as councilwoman for the upcoming municipal elections of Milan...
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26 April 2016
How real is the threat from dormant Isis cells in Italy?
EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino is quoted by The Local (It) on the realistic threat Italy is facing today when it comes to terrorism....
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26 April 2016
The Muslim Brotherhood is silently carrying out its invasion even in Milan’s local election
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo compares two Muslim female candidates for the center-left in Milan's local elections, namely Maryan Ismail e Sumaya Abdel Qader....
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26 April 2016
Turkey discriminates against Alevi faith, ECHR rules
" annual budget, for example for 2016, is 2 billion euros ($2.25 billion), but they're only serving the Sunni community in Turkey, no single euro goes to the Alevi community," EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek told the Deutsche Welle....
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21 April 2016
Report: German Refugee Program Money Given to Hezbollah Operatives
EFD Senior Policy Advisor Alexander Ritzmann is quoted in the Jewish New York-based newspaper The Algemeiner: "In 2014, Germany closed down the Lebanon Orphan Children Project for providing money to the al-Shahid (“The Martyr”) Association in Lebanon. Al-Shahid was “disguised as a humanitarian organization” and “promotes violence and terrorism in the Middle East using donations collected in Germany and elsewhere,” German security expe...
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21 April 2016
We Muslims are not a protected animal species
EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour spoke to Die Welt about the refusal of a Swedish Green Party Politician to shake a female journalist’s hand. When a man refuses to shake a woman’s hand, it happens for certain religious reasons, Mansour explains....
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20 April 2016
Journalists are required to act responsibly
EFD Senior Fellow Bakary Sambe is mentioned in an article published by Sud Quotiden on the relationship between media and terrorism. According to Sambe journalists should use a more accurate terminology when referring to the threat of terrorism in order to avoid creating panic among readers....
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19 April 2016
Dr Bakary Sambe: “The strategies implemented by the U.N. and by the Francophonie should not be competitive, but complementary and coordinated!’
FD Senior Fellow Dr. Bakary Sambe is mentioned by the online Senegalese newspaper Dakaractu, where he gives his personal opinion on terrorism and how it can be tackled on a global level. “The strategies implemented by the U.N. and by the Francophonie should not be competitive, but complementary and coordinated!"....
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18 April 2016
The fight against terrorism: former police officers are brandishing their weapons
EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Bakary Sambe is interviewed by Le Quotidien on the recent decision of the Union Nationale des Retraités de la Police (The National Union of Pensioners of the Police) to come forth and work together to prevent the spread of terrorism, while Dr. Sambe incites the local population to be more involved....
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15 April 2016
#BrusselsAttacks Media Coverage, March 22
Following the Brussels attacks on 22 March at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station, our experts quickly responded by conducting interviews with mainstream media outlets such as CNN, BBC, MSNBC and SkyNews, providing analyses and guidance for how Belgium and the rest of Europe should respond...
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15 April 2016
Anti-Semitism is widespread in Molenbeek
Following last week’s policy briefing on the Brussels’ terror attacks: lessons learned and challenges ahead of Europe, the European Foundation for Democracy, that organised the event alongside the European Policy Center and the Counter Extremism Project, is mentioned by the European Jewish Press....
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13 April 2016
Criticism and propaganda: stories of rights and (auto)inflicted restrictions
EFD Fellow and Director of British Muslims for Secular Democracy Tehmina Kazi's piece on Quillette Magazine "Why Charlie Hebdo was right to address the Brussels Attacks" is mentioned in an article published by the Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics (UAAR)....
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13 April 2016
Islamic State Claims Khalid and Ibrahim El-Bakraoui Were Organizers of Paris and Brussels Attacks
EFD Visiting Fellow Pieter Van Ostaeyen is mentioned in an article published by The Wall Street Journal on the organizers of the Brussels and Paris attacks. According to Van Ostaeyen it is unlikely that "the Bakraoui brothers had the operational knowledge.”...
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11 April 2016
Europe at a crossroad: Civil society efforts to counter religious hatred and bigotry in Europe
USCIRF held an event at the National Press Club on April 11, 2016 on countering religious hatred in Europe. The event featured a keynote address by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, a panel of European civil society leaders on the situation on the ground, their work, and best practices from their experiences, and remarks by USCIRF Commissioners....
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11 April 2016
If Italian Islamists defend the extremist Suwaidan
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo once more writes about the extreme Islamic preacher, Tareq al- Suwaidan, after Italian authorities have denied him from entering Italy for his tour scheduled this May....
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08 April 2016
Mosques, schools, hospitals: the money from Qatar arriving to Italy
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is mentioned in the well-known Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera: she discusses the on-going issue regarding investments in the non profit area from Arab countries and the effect this may have in fostering a radical interpretation of Islam among the local population....
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08 April 2016
Why Charlie Hebdo was right to address the Brussels Attacks
Tehmina Kazi, Fellow at the European Foundation for Democracy and director of the British Muslims for Secular Democracy, comments on the latest Charlie Hebdo article concerning the Brussels Attacks of March 22nd....
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07 April 2016
No permits granted to the anti-Semitic imam
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo is mentioned by the Corriere dell'Alto Adige on the dispute regarding Tareq al-Suwaidan's entry in Italy, scheduled for this May. "We cannot permit that such characters are able to enter freely to spread hatred in a moment like this. It is unacceptable that the training of the Italian imams is left to people such as Suwaidan (..)"....
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07 April 2016
Suwaidan is no longer scheduled to be in Italy
EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo once more writes about the extremist imam Tareq al-Suwaidan, this time to inform her public that he will no longer be touring Italy as was scheduled for this May. This has been confirmed by the Italian foreign minister, Angelino Alfano....
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06 April 2016
All the ambiguities on the Muslim Brotherhood in Milan
EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Valentina Colombo helps clarify all the ambiguities surrounding the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, with the Municipal elections of Milan just about to end, where the favored Democratic Party listed Sumaya Abdel Qader as one of its nominees....
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05 April 2016
How to fix Belgium
EFD Executive Director and Director of CEP Europe Roberta Bonazzi is quoted in an article in POLITICO, along with other experts, analysts and politicians, for their views on how Belgium should reflect and react following the Brussels attacks on 22 March....
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