
Article 25 April 2013

Iran awaits Presidential Elections

There are growing discussions over who should become Iran's next president....
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Article 25 April 2013

When jihadism becomes a domestic threat

Claims that radicalisation occurs through a lack of integration are unfounded says EFD Senior Policy Advisor....
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Article 24 April 2013

Ahmadinejad attempts to postpone elections

Iranian politicians say President Ahmadinejad wants to postpone upcoming elections....
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Article 23 April 2013

EU and Egypt: realpolitik vs. human rights

Valentina Colombo examines EU policy towards Egypt in light of recent sectarian violence. The EU’s High Representative, Catherine Ashton, was visiting Cairo when, during the funeral service for four Egyptian Christians who were recently killed, violence broke out once again between Coptic Christians and Muslims around St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, in the Abbasiyya quarter. Two people died and some 80 were wounded. Since the beginning...
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Article 18 April 2013

Iranian cleric says house arrests don’t exist in Islam

Iranian cleric says reformist politicians Mir Hussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi are not under house arrest....
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Article 17 April 2013

Iranian regime targets actresses

The Iranian regime is using the help of Interpol to track Iranian actresses....
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Article 09 April 2013

No stop for Iran’s nuclear ambitions

On the occasion of Iran's "national day of atomic technology", President Ahmadinejad warns that no state is capable of halting its nuclear programme. Are negotiations doomed to fail?...
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Article 05 April 2013

No word on Iranian agent detained in Bulgaria

During preparations for an attack on a synagogue, an Iranian al-Quds Brigade is arrested in Sofia....
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Article 04 April 2013

I used to be an Islamist

EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour tells of how he turned his back on the allure of religious fundamentalism....
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Article 04 April 2013

The Little Girls’ Revolution

The tragic death of an 8 year-old girl sparks passing of Child Protection Law in the United Arab Emirates....
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Article 03 April 2013

How Islamists deny the Holocaust

A leading Iranian newspaper claims the Jewish festival of Purim was a holocaust committed against the Persians....
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Article 26 March 2013

Does the key to Tehran lie in Moscow?

In the below article, EFD Fellow, Wahied Wahdat-Hagh draws attention to Russian-Iranian relations, which could represent an alternative to the Iranian-American dialogue in solving the nuclear issue....
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Article 22 March 2013

What is the future for US-Iranian relations?

Today Iran enjoys the prospect of improved relations with Russia, yet hope for dialogue with the US looks set to remain bleak....
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Article 16 March 2013

Losing influence in Africa, Morocco has to change its policy

In the below article, EFD Senior Fellow, Bakary Sambe discusses how growing Turkish influence within West Africa is leaving regional powers such as Morocco looking further south for new opportunities....
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Article 15 March 2013

Acceptance or resistance? Iran’s nuclear ambitions

Iranian scholar says that the West must accept Iran's nuclear programme if it wants to avoid war....
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Broadcast 15 March 2013

Salafism as a danger to society

EFD Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour talks about the appeal and danger of Salafism On March 15,  the Forum Emanzipatorischer Islam, along with the support of the European Foundation for Democracy hosted an evening of discussion on Salafism. EFD Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour talks about the appeal and danger of the Islamic fundamentalist movement especially to young people. Click here to listen the Ö1 Radio report. ....
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Article 08 March 2013

Iran: Children under Pressure to Convert

Harassment against Bahai schoolchildren is on the rise, as Iranian schoolteachers are given instructions from the state to pressure children to covert to Islam....
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Article 07 March 2013

A nuclear train without brakes

The historical narrative paints a clear picture that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and shows no signs of being deterred. EFD Fellow, Wahied Wahdat-Hag deals with this issue showing the failure of UN nuclear negotiations with Iran....
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Article 07 March 2013

Iran: Violence against the Bahai goes unpunished (Part 1)

The Bahai religious minority has been victimised for more than 30 years by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Bahai International Community has published a new report entitled, “Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran’s Bahai Community”....
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Article 01 March 2013

Iran: Farmer rebellion due to water scarcity

In areas of Iran people are suffering from water scarcity. This recently sparked off a farmer rebellion in Ishafan, where insurgents burned down buses and attacked a police station to free arrested farmers....
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Article 01 March 2013

Sedighi: “Iran will never give up its right to enrich uranium”

Iranian cleric declares that only Ali Khamenei, leader of the Islamic revolution, can decide how much uranium Iran is going to enrich....
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Article 01 March 2013

The West and the Muslim Brotherhood after the Arab Spring

Few observers foresaw the Arab Spring, but it should not have surprised anyone that the Islamist movements became the main beneficiaries of the ensuing turmoil....
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Article 28 February 2013

Iranian regime: “P5+1 must change its policy”

According to the Iranian regime, the group of 5 plus 1 must change its policy and not Iran....
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Article 26 February 2013

Hezbollah Worried; Europe Should be Too

For years, European countries pushed off the issue of adding Hezbollah to the European Union’s list of banned terrorist groups, citing the fact that the group had not carried out terrorist attacks on the continent since the 1980s. Sure, it raised funds across the continent hand-over-first, and provided logistical support to operatives carrying out attacks elsewhere, but that fell below the European threshold of bombs exploding in Europe. But in...
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Article 25 February 2013

Hezbollah: Calling a spade a spade

Being its activities designated as terrorist in most EU countries, "Hezbollah remains confident that the influence of Germany and France will see to it that the EU will not proscribe the group"....
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Article 21 February 2013

Iran’s desperate call for “economic jihad”

EFD Fellow Wahied Wahdat-Hagh discusses how Iran's call for "economic jihad" points to serious concern among the Iranian authorities....
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Article 21 February 2013

Sham elections for a new form of totalitarian rule

Various Islamist groups in Iran are engaged in power struggles but all of them are part of the establishment of the Islamist dictatorship. All other secular groups, from socialists and communists, to nationalist and royalist are either forbidden or heavily persecuted....
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Article 19 February 2013

It’s time to brand Hizbollah a terror organisation

Hizbollah has turned out to be an important player in the international terror scene – which is why Europe finally has to take measures....
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Article 15 February 2013

Iranian newspaper praises German paper Freitag

Iranian newspaper Kayhan praises a German newspaper Freitag for defending the views of the Iranian leader Ali Khamenei. The newspaper, owned by Jakob Augstein, recently published an article about the Iranian-US dialogue shining a positive light on Iran’s actions....
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Article 05 February 2013

Iran-supported Lebanese Hezbollah carries out terrorist attack in Europe

Bulgarian authorities have established a link between Hezbollah and the Burgas bus bombing. Former Iranian General Mohssen Rezai praises Lebanese Hezbollah as an organisation founded by Iranian revolutionaries....
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Article 29 January 2013

Iranian Foreign Minister warns the West

Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, will attend a security conference in Munich 1st-3rd February 2013. While there, he will also speak at the German Council of Foreign Relations. According to him, Israel is the biggest problem in the Middle East, not terrorism....
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Article 27 January 2013

The embassy isn’t safe anymore

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Magnus Norell reports on the security situation in northern Africa....
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Article 24 January 2013

Iran: Public executions and amputations

Iran executes thieves to spread fear and terror among the Iranian people. However, it is more than a little doubtful that such harsh punishments will enable the regime to solve the social problems it faces....
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Article 24 January 2013

Russia’s many interests in Syria

EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya discusses Russia's determination to support the Assad regime in Syria....
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Article 23 January 2013

Chair of the Iranian parliament: Israel is a “cancerous tumour”

Ali Larijani, chairperson of the Iranian pseudo-parliament, attended the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union (IIPU) in Khartoum, Sudan on 21st and 22nd January, where he defended the Assad regime and spoke of Israel as a “cancerous tumour”....
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Article 21 January 2013

Hezbollah’s time is up

In addition to the European Union proscribing Hezbollah, NATO must also enforce a buffer zone between Lebanon and Israel....
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