
Article 09 December 2013

Russia: Alternative point of view on Syrian conflict

In the run-up to the Geneva peace talks on Syria scheduled for early November, mainstream Russian press typically provided brief dry reports on the Syrian conflict, similar to the accompanying excerpt from (Ribbon) from 22 October. The article quotes Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stating that he doubted the talks will be attended by “forces representing the Syrian people,” and expressed a decision to run for Syria’s presidency i...
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Article 02 December 2013

Who is feeding the ‘European’ Jihad in Syria

Since 2011, large waves of Europeans have been travelling to Syria in the name of Jihad. EFD Senior Fellow Valentina Colombo discusses the influence of preachers such as Shaikh R. al-Nabulsi on the growing phenomenon of European fighters in Syria....
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Article The evolution of Jihadism in Italy: rise in homegrown radicals
Article 26 November 2013

The evolution of Jihadism in Italy: rise in homegrown radicals

Jihadist terrorism in Italy has recently undergone significant demographic and operational changes. The first generation...
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Article 16 November 2013

Historical agreement between Russia and Egypt. Will Moscow sell weapons to Cairo?

  This article is currently only available in Italian, and can be read here.  ....
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Article 10 November 2013

The new Iran: all change or just more of the same?

EFD fellow Anna Borshchevskaya notes in her latest op-ed for Al-Arabiya that "Diplomacy cannot succeed so long as the Iranian regime is driven by an ideology that, at its core, is in an existential conflict with liberal democratic values". Video footage captured by Syrian rebels suggests that Iran’s involvement in the Syrian conflict goes beyond sending advisors to assist Bashar al-Assad’s regime. The BBC reported on 30th October that th...
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Article 10 November 2013

The new Iran: all change or just more of the same?

EFD fellow Anna Borshchevskaya notes in her latest op-ed for Al-Arabiya that "Diplomacy cannot succeed so long as the Iranian regime is driven by an ideology that, at its core, is in an existential conflict with liberal democratic values". Video footage captured by Syrian rebels suggests that Iran’s involvement in the Syrian conflict goes beyond sending advisors to assist Bashar al-Assad’s regime. The BBC reported on 30th October that...
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Article 10 November 2013

The new Iran: all change or just more of the same?

EFD fellow Anna Borshchevskaya notes in her latest op-ed for Al-Arabiya that "Diplomacy cannot succeed so long as the Iranian regime is driven by an ideology that, at its core, is in an existential conflict with liberal democratic values". Video footage captured by Syrian rebels suggests that Iran’s involvement in the Syrian conflict goes beyond sending advisors to assist Bashar al-Assad’s regime. The BBC reported on 30th October th...
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Article 07 November 2013

Ukraine should steer clear of Soviet Union 2.0

Later this month, the European Union’s Council of Ministers will decide whether to sign Ukraine’s European Union Association Agreement at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, ten days later. If the European Union agrees to offer the Ukraine formal association, it will eliminate most barriers to trade between Ukraine and the European Union, and boost Ukraine’s economy.  More importantly, the agreement would allow Ukraine to take a big...
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Broadcast 28 October 2013

Anti-Semitism today: How hostile is Germany toward Jews?

This public television documentary marks a major milestone in Ahmad Mansour's efforts to raise awareness of anti-Semitism in Germany today....
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Broadcast 02 September 2013

Morsi goes on trial

On Sunday Egypt's ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was referred to trial on charges of inciting the killing of opponents while in office, the state news agency said. What kind of trial could that be and what implications could it have? We are discussing these issues with Dr. Mustapha Kamel Al Sayyid, Professor of political science and Director of the Center for Developing Countries Studies at Cairo University, and Valentina Colombo,...
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Article 29 August 2013

Iran threatens retaliation against Israel

In the event of a western military strike against Syria, Iran has threatened to launch rocket attacks against Israel....
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Article 27 August 2013

Persecution of Baha’is in Iran

Members of Iran's Baha'i community continue to face systematic persecution at the hands of the Iranian regime. In the Islamist dictatorship, the state clergy is one of the main bodies responsible for incendiary conduct and murder. Once again, a Baha'i has been assassinated in Iran. Before the murder, a cleric had rallied against the Baha'i, and soon afterwards the fanatical mob responded. Seemingly unremarkably, Ataollah Rezwani was killed. The...
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Article 26 August 2013

Anti-Semitic Propaganda in Iran

Iranian news media has recently turned its attention to the role of Jewish organisations and the issue of US foreign policy....
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Mention 26 August 2013

The scientist under Syria’s microscope

Meet the neurobiologist-turned-weapons inspector who could stop — or start — a wider war. CAIRO — On Monday morning, a United Nations chemical weapons inspection team left the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Damascus, and prepared to head to the site of what is alleged to be the worst chemical weapons attack in decades. They were led by AkeSellstrom, a Swedish scientist who finds himself transported from his classroom at Umea University in...
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Article 23 August 2013

The Future of the MENA region

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino answers questions on the future of the MENA region for the Zurich-based think tank ISN. Vidino notes that the result of the Arab Spring has been to give citizens the idea that they can shape their countries' destinies. However the Arab world still has to contend with serious problems such as economic stagnation and a youth bulge that is causing social instability. You can read the article at ISN her...
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Article 23 August 2013

The world’s inaction enabled gas attack

Magnus Norell on the international ramifications of the chemical attack launched by the Syrian regime against civilians in the suburbs of Damascus....
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Mention 23 August 2013

Two Sahara-based jihadist groups merge

US international broadcaster Voice of America features a report on the merging of two North African militant groups, formerly linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Both have been responsible for taking hostages and launching suicide attacks. EFD Fellow Bakary Sambe contributes to the report noting that the name of this new group "Mourabitounes" comes from a thousand year old Islamist Berber dynasty, which was responsible for helping spread I...
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Mention 20 August 2013

Italy: low to medium risk

Reporter Graziarosa Villani from the online Italian news site L'Indro interviews EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino about the threat of terrorist attacks in Italy and the problem of radicalisation among Italy's second generation Muslim immigrants....
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Mention 18 August 2013

What’s next for Egypt: 3 scenarios

National Public Radio blogger Greg Myre lays out three scenarios for the future of Egypt and the relationship between the security forces and the Muslim Brotherhood. He includes analysis from EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino who says that outside pressure could help to prevent a bloody crackdown and outside influence could "lay the groundwork for some kind of reconciliation."...
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Mention 17 August 2013

Muslim Brotherhood: A force throughout the Muslim world

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino contributes to the article noting that the Muslim Brotherhood has experienced different phases throughout its existence....
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Article 15 August 2013

Outlining US-Iranian dialogue

Iranian international relations expert Kayhan Barzegar lays the framework for the nature of US-Iranian dialogue....
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Broadcast 14 August 2013

The desire to think for themselves

EFD Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour talks to Almut Engelien from the radio talk show "Tischgesprach" on the German radio station WDR 5. Mansour discusses his life growing up as an Israeli Arab and his time spent as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. At the University of Tel Aviv, Mansour says it was here that he discovered the importance of critical thinking and began to change his ideas towards Jews. Today Mansour works as a psychologist in Berl...
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Broadcast 14 August 2013

Why do some young Muslims become radicalised?

EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour is interviewed on the German radio show "Country time" broadcast on the national station Deutschlandradio. Mansour is joined by a panel of experts to discuss the growth of Salafism in North Rhine-Westphalia. There are active social networks for young men to preach Islam and work towards the goal of creating an Islamic state. The panellists discuss what is the fascination for young people towards radical Isl...
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Article 13 August 2013

Iran’s new defence minister and Hezbollah

Iran's newly appointed Defence Minister Hossein Dehghan allegedly played a chief role in the formation of Hezbollah in Lebanon....
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Article 11 August 2013

EU action is insufficient to stop Hezbollah

Sweden's daily newspaper Göteborgs-Posten features a report written by EFD Senior Policy Advisor Magnus Norell on the activities of the Lebanese-militant group Hezbollah within Europe. In July the EU blacklisted Hezbollah's military wing, yet Norell cites that it is not possible to separate its political activities from its military wing and the EU's decision will not prevent the group from carrying out activities in Europe such as organised c...
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Mention 08 August 2013

American observers discuss cancelled US-Russian meeting

BBC Ukraine features a report by journalist Natalia Khyzhnyak on the reaction of US-based commentators on the Obama administration's decision to cancel talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the G20 summit in St. Petersburg. EFD Fellow Anna Borshchevskaya says the situation regarding Edward Snowden is just the latest symptom of worsening US-Russian relations....
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Article 08 August 2013

President Rohani follows his predecessor

President Hassan Rohani has said he wants to end Iran's isolation, yet his actions suggest that he is following the path of his predecessor....
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Article 07 August 2013

President Rohani admits Iranian nuclear ambitions

In an interview on Iranian state television before the election, Hassan Rohani admitted that Iran has never attempted to halt its nuclear programme....
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Mention 06 August 2013

A weakened al-Qaeda remains a global terrorist threat

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino contributes to the article on the growing threat of al-Qaeda....
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Broadcast 06 August 2013

Al Qaeda at the time of DataGate

Broadcaster Giampaolo Musumeci from Italy's national radio station Radio 24 talks to EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino about the information released by Edward Snowden on al-Qaeda's efforts to identify weaknesses in US drone technology. Musumeci asks about the political ramifications for the US government and what is Vidino's opinion on the nature of the threat. The recording is only available in Italian....
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Mention 06 August 2013

Experts: The threat from al Qaeda against Denmark is decreasing

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Lorenzo Vidino contributes to the report saying that unlike in previous years, Denmark is no longer considered a prime terrorist target for the group....
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Article 06 August 2013

Mosques urge jihad in Syria

Sweden's daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet features an op-ed on the problem of terrorist recruitment in Sweden. It is estimated that at least seven men from the city of Gothenburg have been killed in the Syrian conflict and there are fears that mosques in the city are encouraging young men to travel to the Middle East. The Swedes who head to Syria often join the most radical rebel groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and there are fears that once th...
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Mention 06 August 2013

Possible car bomb in Copenhagen

Norway's public broadcaster NRK reports on the discovery of a possible car bomb in Denmark's capital Copenhagen. A suspect vehicle was found rigged with cables and police were ordered to evacuate the area and a bomb robot was used to investigate the car. EFD's Lorenzo Vidino is quoted in the report....
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Mention 05 August 2013

Terrorist threats – or intelligence tactic?

Sweden's daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet features an article on the terror threat posed to US interests in the Middle East and North Africa. At least 22 US embassies closed in August after warnings emerged that an al-Qaeda linked attack was imminent and some senior US officials compared the situation to the days leading up to the September 11 attacks. EFD Senior Policy Advisor Magnus Norell believes that given the fragmented nature of al-Qaeda,...
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Article 05 August 2013

What can the world expect from Iran’s new president?

EFD Senior Fellow discusses what we can expect from Iran's newly elected President Hassan Rohani....
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Broadcast 04 August 2013

A conversation with Ahmad Mansour

EFD Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour is interviewed on Germany's NDR radio show "Der Talk" about his background growing up in an Arab town in Israel and his time spent in a fundamentalist Muslim group before attending university where he overcame his prejudices against Jews....
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