
Article “I felt inferior”
Article 17 June 2017

“I felt inferior”

In this essay for Süddeutsche Zeitung, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour shares his personal experience of integr...
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Mention Markus Lanz: Expert addresses the connection between religion and terror
Mention 08 June 2017

Markus Lanz: Expert addresses the connection between religion and terror

This article by Huffington Post discusses EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour's appearance as a guest on German week...
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Interview Markus Lanz 7 June 2017
Interview 07 June 2017

Markus Lanz 7 June 2017

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour is a guest on German weekly talkshow Markus Lanz. Together with member of German...
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Article ’Generation Allah’: Why we Muslims must ask ourselves some critical questions
Article 05 June 2017

’Generation Allah’: Why we Muslims must ask ourselves some critical questions

In this article for FOCUS Online, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour calls attention to the fact that making young...
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Interview At the table with Ahmad Mansour, ‘deradicaliser’
Interview 31 May 2017

At the table with Ahmad Mansour, ‘deradicaliser’

In this radio interview with hr2-kultur from 31st May, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour discusses the radicalisat...
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Mention ’Let’s bomb violence with compassion’
Mention 30 May 2017

’Let’s bomb violence with compassion’

This article by jetzt discusses an advertisement campaign of Kuwaiti mobile service provider Zain. In the campaign video...
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Article The EU door is open for Turkey but it’s far away
Article 26 May 2017

The EU door is open for Turkey but it’s far away

In this article for the Deutsche Welle Turkish, EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek analyses President Erdogan’s...
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Mention This Israeli ex-Salafist is one of Europe’s most outspoken critics of radical Islam
Mention 26 May 2017

This Israeli ex-Salafist is one of Europe’s most outspoken critics of radical Islam

In this article, The Times of Israel echoes EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour in his call for Western governments...
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Interview Preventing radicalisation by means of social work
Interview 24 May 2017

Preventing radicalisation by means of social work

In this interview with Deutsche Welle about the terror attack in Manchester, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour hig...
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Interview Roberta Bonazzi, President of the European Foundation for Democracy interviewed by EU Reporter
Interview 16 May 2017

Roberta Bonazzi, President of the European Foundation for Democracy interviewed by EU Reporter

Roberta Bonazzi, President of the European Foundation for Democracy interviewed by EU Reporter: There is an urgent need...
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Interview A special kind of anti-Semitism
Interview 11 May 2017

A special kind of anti-Semitism

In this radio interview with Deutschlandfunk Nova, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour discusses anti-Semitism withi...
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Mention Integration: experts believe debate about mainstream culture to be vital
Mention 04 May 2017

Integration: experts believe debate about mainstream culture to be vital

This article by Rundblick gives an account of a discussion on integration and German “Leitkultur“, hosted by the Kon...
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Article EU is trying to find a balanced policy without closing door on Turkey
Article 02 May 2017

EU is trying to find a balanced policy without closing door on Turkey

In this article for the Deutsche Welle Turkish, EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek explains how the EU is trying t...
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Interview Dr Demir Murat Seyrek on SkyNews: the outcome of the Turkish referendum
Interview 28 April 2017

Dr Demir Murat Seyrek on SkyNews: the outcome of the Turkish referendum

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek is interviewed by SkyNews on the consequences of the outcome of the Tur...
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Interview Elham Manea’s call on Switzerland to act as an intermediary for Yemen
Interview 25 April 2017

Elham Manea’s call on Switzerland to act as an intermediary for Yemen

In this interview for Swiss Info, Elhman Manea explains the extent of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen....
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Interview Many believe in a conspiracy against Turkey and Islam
Interview 18 April 2017

Many believe in a conspiracy against Turkey and Islam

In this interview with Die Welt, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour examines the question why many German Turks vot...
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Interview Turkey: more democracy and foreign policy needed
Interview 14 April 2017

Turkey: more democracy and foreign policy needed

n this article for Aki- Adn Kronos Interantional, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek explains why the Turkish...
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Interview The Scene In Stockholm A Day After Attack
Interview 11 April 2017

The Scene In Stockholm A Day After Attack

EFD Senior Fellow Magnus Norell is interviewed by KAWC News; he comments on the terrorist attack that occurred in Stockh...
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Mention Tips for teachers in the prevention of Islamism
Mention 11 April 2017

Tips for teachers in the prevention of Islamism

This article by Neue Westfälische discusses the development process of EFD’s Practitioner’s Guide to Preventing Rad...
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Mention How teachers face against radicalisation among students
Mention 07 April 2017

How teachers face against radicalisation among students

This article by Huffington Post mentions EFD’s latest publication, the Practitioner’s Guide to Preventing Radicalisa...
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Article Muslim antisemitism is being ignored for fear of racism accusations
Article 07 April 2017

Muslim antisemitism is being ignored for fear of racism accusations

In this contribution for Tagesspiegel, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour highlights a lacking examination of the s...
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Broadcast EFD´s & CEP´s new Handbook for teachers on integration and radicalization
Broadcast 05 April 2017

EFD´s & CEP´s new Handbook for teachers on integration and radicalization

EFD´s and CEP´s new Handbook for teachers on integration and radicalization is featured on German TV channel N24, Apri...
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Article Tips for interacting with radicalised students
Article 05 April 2017

Tips for interacting with radicalised students

This article by Deutsche Welle gives account of the publication of EFD’s Practitioner’s Guide to Preventing Radicali...
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Interview Interview with Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour
Interview 30 March 2017

Interview with Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour

In this interview with Neue Westfälische, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour highlights the necessity of breaking...
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Article One year after the Brussels attacks: How can Europe prevent the next tragedy?
Article 22 March 2017

One year after the Brussels attacks: How can Europe prevent the next tragedy?

In this article for Euractive, EFD's Alexander Ritzmann and Andrea Frontini, Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centr...
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Interview Civil Society Against Extremism – join the campaign!
Interview 16 March 2017

Civil Society Against Extremism – join the campaign!

Check out Alexander Ritzmann, our Executive Director, presenting the Civil Society Empowerment Programme....
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Article It would be a historical mistake for Turkey to burn bridges with Europe
Article 15 March 2017

It would be a historical mistake for Turkey to burn bridges with Europe

In this article for the Deutsche Welle Türkçe, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek discusses the consequen...
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Article 14 March 2017

Brussels prosecutors launches inquiry into possible extremist links of charities and non-for profit organisations

EFD Senior Councellor John Duhig explains, in an article published by the Parliament Magasine, that "the Brussels prosecutor has just launched an inquiry into the activities of 144 of some 3308 charities and not-for-profit organisations in Molenbeek and neighbouring Koekelberg, Jette, Ganshoren and Berchem-Saint-Agathe, for possible links to violent extremism and terrorism."...
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Article 13 March 2017

Turkish constitutional referendum: TRexit from parliamentary democracy?

In this contribution for Euronews, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek discusses the challenges that Turkey faces in regards to the constitutional referendum to be voted on 16 April....
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Mention 10 March 2017

Islamism: Author Ahmad Mansour calls for more digital intervention to fight radicalisation online

This article by Allgemeine Zeitung discusses a talk given by EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour on the need for more digital intervention in the prevention of radicalisation. Youth must be reached out to on social media and made offers by mainstream society, a process currently dominated by Salafists....
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Article 09 March 2017

Preventing radicalisation in schools

In this contribution for the Parliament Magazine, EFD Programme Manager Alexandra Korn and EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann pinpoint the importance of empowering educators in the fight against radicalisation....
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Mention 08 March 2017

The Muslim Brotherhood is creating a ‘parallel social structure’ in Sweden, aided by ‘political elites’ making it impossible to criticise Islam, government report admits

EFD Senior Fellow Dr. Magnus Norell is mentioned by the British daily newspaper, the Daily Mail Online, on a report commissioned by Sweden's Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), part of the country's Ministry of Defence....
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Interview 03 March 2017

A fatal signal from an educational perspective

In this interview with taz, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour discusses his perception of the headscarf as a political symbol. In the interview, Mansour explains that in his opinion, female teachers should not be wearing headscarves as they represent a patriarchic ideology, in which women are not perceived as equals....
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Press Release 03 March 2017

A Practitioner’s Guide on Preventing Radicalisation in Schools

In many EU member states, teachers are increasingly facing challenges of integrating students from different cultural backgrounds. Discussions on issues such as patriarchal structures and traditions, orthodox Islam, Islamism and Salafism are often emotionally charged and can easily overwhelm educators. Teachers wonder: How can I engage my students in a discussion about sensitive topics they care about, such as the war in Syria or the conflict be...
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Interview 01 March 2017

Terrorism prevention? ‘We don’t know what we’re fighting against’

In this interview with Die Welt, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour criticises a lack of strategy in the German government in terms of dealing with the prevention of terrorism, saying that “chaos reigns”....
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