
Article 21 February 2017

The state should be following the law, not religious commandments

In this article for Die Welt, EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour discusses a recent court decision against the German Federal State of Berlin. Mansour criticises the adjudication of a compensation payment to a Muslim applicant for a teaching position who got turned down for wearing a headscarf....
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Interview 13 February 2017

Russian hacking poses ‘existential challenge’ to western governments

EFD Senior Counsellor John Duhig is interviewed by The Parliament Magazine; he highlights the challenge Western governments encounter with regards to the alleged Russian hacking....
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Mention 10 February 2017

Focus on hard measures might even have fostered radicalisation

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann and RAN C&N Chair is interviewed by the Club de Madrid; he stresses the need for a critical evaluation of hard security measures implemented in the last years as they might be having a counterproductive effect....
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Mention 02 February 2017

A tolerant society has the duty to fight back against intolerance

This article by Swiss newspaper Kirchenbote gives an account of a discussion on the radicalisation of youth which took place in Basel, with the participation of EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour. In times where civil society is being destabilized and polarized, “we need schools that teach youth critical thinking and that allow for doubt and discussion”, Mansour said....
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Mention 26 January 2017

Italy is playing with fire

EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour and Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Lorenzo Vidino are cited in this article by Süddeutsche Zeitung on Italy's citizenship policy....
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Article 25 January 2017

The silence of the EU

In this contribution for DW (Türkçe), EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek discusses the EU's radio silence following constitutional changes in Turkey....
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Article 24 January 2017

Constitutional changes in Turkey: A presidential system or the president’s system?

On 21 January, the Turkish Parliament adopted a controversial 18-article constitutional amendment package aimed at transforming Turkey from a parliamentary governance system to an executive presidency....
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Mention 19 January 2017

Radicalisation help center: What Islamism experts think about it

This article in Swiss TagesWoche discusses a new task force in Basel, which has been installed with the aim of preventing radicalisation. EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour comments that contact points of this type should be embedded in a comprehensive societal strategy of dealing with extremist narratives and ideology....
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Interview 12 January 2017

2 nach 1

In this interview with radio bremen, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Ahmad Mansour talks about the appeal of Salafist and Islamist narratives for young people, talking also about his personal experience of being radicalised....
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Article 01 January 2017

Don’t leave them alone!

In this contribution for the online magazine chrismon, EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour calls for an upscaling of support for teachers to prevent and detect radicalisation in schools. Mansour points out that while violent Islamists should be dealt with by security authorities, the radicalisation of youngsters concerns our societies as a whole....
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Interview 01 January 2017

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek on SkyNews – 01 / 01 / 2017

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek is interviewed by SkyNews on the horrific attack that occurred at the Istanbul night club 'Reina', leaving 39 people dead and many more injured....
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Interview 27 December 2016

EFD President Roberta Bonazzi on France24

EFD President Roberta Bonazzi is interviewed by France24 on the recent terror attack occurred at the Berlin Christmas Market and the security threats the Schengen area is now facing....
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Interview 27 December 2016

EFD’s Alexander Ritzmann on France24 – 27 / 12 / 2016

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann is interviewed by France24 on the terror attack that hit a Christmas market in the German capital Berlin and the need to strengthen the cooperation between the different security agencies to prevent further attacks from being perpetrated....
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Interview 23 December 2016

The challenge of detecting the hotbeds of radicalisation

EFD Senior Counsellor John Duhig is interviewed by La Razòn after the terrorist attack against the Christmas market in Berlin....
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Mention 22 December 2016

Germany admits to its faults before the Belin attack

EFD President Roberta Bonazzi is mentioned by the French newspaper La Croix with regards to the dysfunctionalities present among law enforcement organisations in Europe....
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Mention 22 December 2016

Role of civil society deemed crucial in fight against radicalisation

EFD President Roberta Bonazzi is interviewed by the Parliament Magazine on the need to empower civil society in order to have a long-term strategy to prevent violent extremism....
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Interview 21 December 2016

Alexander Ritzmann Interview with LBC Radio on the #BerlinAttack

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann is interviewed by LBC Radio on the recent developments regarding the Berlin Attack....
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Interview 21 December 2016

Alexander Ritzmann on BBC 5 Live

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann is interviewed by the BBC 5 Live Radio channel on the Berlin Attack...
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Mention 21 December 2016

The use of a truck can also be a sign of weakness

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann is interviewed by the Italian newspaper l'Avvenire....
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Interview 20 December 2016

Alexander Ritzmann on France24 – 20/12/16

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann is interviewed by France24 on the attack that occurred at the Christmas market in Berlin....
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Mention 20 December 2016

Brussels shows support for Berlin

EFD Executive Director is mentioned by the German newspaper Deutsche Welle on the terrorist attack that recently occurred in Berlin....
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Interview 19 December 2016

Children are free from suspicion and manipulable

In this interview with Abendzeitung München, EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour discusses the case of a twelve-year-old who allegedly planned a bomb attack on a Christmas market in Ludwigshafen, Germany. This recruitment of children by terrorist or criminal organisations is not a new phenomenon, Mansour explains. Children have been in the focus of Islamists for years, be it Hamas or the Taliban....
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Article 13 December 2016

The need to counter extremist propaganda more effectively

EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann explains the different reasons why people believe in extremist ideologies or join extremist groups in an article published by The Parliament Magazine....
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Interview 12 December 2016

DAS! with Ahmad Mansour

In this interview on German tv show DAS!, EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour discusses why the so-called Islamic State holds a fascination for young people and how their radicalisation can be prevented or restricted by strong family ties....
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Article 08 December 2016

The EU cannot afford to just ‘muddle through’ on Turkey

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr. Demir Murat Seyrek and EPC Policy Analyst Amanda Paul have issued a commentary on the recent developments on EU-Turkey relations....
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Article 06 December 2016

Chapters 23 and 24: a test of the EU’s sincerity

In this article for Deutsche Welle, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek challenges the EU's sincerity with regards to addressing the democratic problems Turkey faces and raises the question of why negotiation chapters 23 (judiciary and fundamental rights) and 24 (justice, freedom and security) of the accession talks are currently still blocked....
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Mention 22 November 2016

Turkey and the EU: The end of the affair?

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek is mentioned by BBC News on the latest developments of the Turkey-Eu relations....
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Mention 19 November 2016

From Minnesota to Libya, Italy and Spain: the new jihadist hotbeds

The online version of the well-known Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera releases an article on EFD's latest publication: "Jihadist Hotbeds – Understanding Local Radicalisation Processes", edited by EFD Visiting Fellow Arturo Varvelli....
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Interview 18 November 2016

The counter-extremism agenda

EFD President and head of the Counter Extremism Project Brussels is interviewed by Pan European Networks, a leading independent online newspaper, on global efforts to tackle radicalisation....
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Mention 16 November 2016

Part II: Could integration prevent radicalisation of Muslim youth?

Daily News Egypt mentions EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour on why youngsters slip into radicalisation. "Mansour calls for a social and political rethinking process of the phenomenon of radicalisation in order to prevent and combat ideological extremism. It is a process, in which everyone in society should take part."...
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Article 16 November 2016

Reasons not to end EU-Turkey talks

In an Op-Ed published by EUobserver, EFD Senior Policy Advisor Dr Demir Murat Seyrek and EPC Senior Policy Analyst Amanda Paul suggest a number of reasons why they advise the EU not to suspend talks with Turkey....
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Article 14 November 2016

Analysis: Turkey-EU relations drifting towards a cliff

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek writes for DW Türkçe on the worsening relationship between Turkey and the EU as a result of serious problems in Turkey in terms of fundamental rights and freedoms & Turkish government’s increasingly negative attitude towards the EU....
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Mention 09 November 2016

Tentative Europe reaches out to Trump’s America

"We don't know where America is going to go and what we've seen in the campaign is not inspiring," says EFD President and Founder Roberta Bonazzi in this interview with Deutsche Welle regarding the election of Donald Trump....
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Article 01 November 2016

Visa liberation between Turkey and the EU

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek writes for Deutsche Welle on the negotiation process regarding visa liberalisation between Turkey and the EU, after a deadline for the implementation of visa liberalisation has passed at the end of October....
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Mention 31 October 2016

Could Integration Prevent Radicalisation of Muslim Youth?

EFD Programme Director Ahmad Mansour is mentioned by the Mashreq Politics & Culture Journal in an event report on the “Conference on the Muslim youth in Germany between integration, compartmentalisation and new ways”, organised by the Frankfurt Research Centre for Global Islam. Mansour called for a social and political rethinking process of the phenomenon of radicalisation, in order to prevent and combat ideological extremism....
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Article 30 October 2016

From suicide to mass murder – terrorist propaganda and the responsibility of the media

In this article, EFD Executive Director Alexander Ritzmann highlights that media outlets often involuntarily serve as extended propaganda channels of terrorist organisations....
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