
Mention Terrorexpert: Omöjligt att säga hur stort hotet är
Mention 26 August 2023

Terrorexpert: Omöjligt att säga hur stort hotet är

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Omni, 26 August 2023 by Ebba Örn / Photo credits: Johan...
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Interview Terrorexperten: Inte bara koranbränningarna som triggar
Interview 26 August 2023

Terrorexperten: Inte bara koranbränningarna som triggar

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   SVT Nyheter, 26 August 2023 by Linnea Carlén / Photo cr...
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Mention, Podcast Vilken nytta gör terrorhotnivån?
Mention, Podcast 23 August 2023

Vilken nytta gör terrorhotnivån?

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Svenska Dagbladet, 23 August 2023 by Svenska Dagbladet /...
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Mention Ruotsalais­perhe muutti reittiään terrori­uhan takia – ”Onhan tämä pelottavaa”
Mention 18 August 2023

Ruotsalais­perhe muutti reittiään terrori­uhan takia – ”Onhan tämä pelottavaa”

Please note, the article is in Finnish. Terrorin uhkatason nosto puhuttaa Ruotsissa. Perhe pohti huvipuistoreissu...
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Interview Terrorforskarens kritik: Man behöver inte ha den skalan
Interview 18 August 2023

Terrorforskarens kritik: Man behöver inte ha den skalan

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   SVT Nyheter, 18 August 2023 by Hjalmar Ekberg Skog / Pho...
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Mention 18 August 2023

Terrorforskaren sågar hotnivåskalan: ”Funkar inte” | Nyheter

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Stonyheter , 18 August 2023 by Av Stonyheter Terrorhotnivån har höjts från en trea till en fyra, vilket betyder att den har gått från förhöjd till hög.   Statsvetaren och terrorforskaren Magnus Norell vill släppa skalan helt. Det är alldeles för trubbigt, säger han. – Terrorhot kan se olika ut. Antingen får man väldigt konkret information om att...
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Mention Terrorforskare kritisk: ”Säpos besked går inte ihop”
Mention 17 August 2023

Terrorforskare kritisk: ”Säpos besked går inte ihop”

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Omni, 17 August 2023 by Felicia Nordlund / Photo credits...
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Interview Förhöjda terrorhotet mot Sverige
Interview 17 August 2023

Förhöjda terrorhotet mot Sverige

  Please note, the article is in Swedish.     TV4, 17 August 2023 by Jamshid Jamsh...
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Podcast Forskarens kritik: Terrorskalan borde spolas
Podcast 17 August 2023

Forskarens kritik: Terrorskalan borde spolas

Please note, the podcast is in Swedish. Sveriges Radio, 17 August 2023 by P4 Stockholm / Photo credits: Johan Nilsson/...
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Podcast Magnus Norell: Islam Vs. Yttrandefriheten
Podcast 06 August 2023

Magnus Norell: Islam Vs. Yttrandefriheten

Please note, the podcast is in Swedish. Poddtoppen, 6 August 2023 by Dekonstruktiv Kritik / Photo credits: Dekonstrukt...
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Mention Man kan bli kränkt utan att storma en ambassad
Mention 01 August 2023

Man kan bli kränkt utan att storma en ambassad

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Expressen, 1 August 2023 by Göran Lambertz / Photo cred...
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Mention Visa förståelse för starka känslor – inte för våldet
Mention 26 July 2023

Visa förståelse för starka känslor – inte för våldet

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Expressen, 26 July 2023 by Kashif Virk / Photo credits:...
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Mention Gränsen mellan politik och religion suddas ut
Mention 25 July 2023

Gränsen mellan politik och religion suddas ut

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Expressen, 25 July 2023 by Muslimska Brödraskapet / Pho...
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Mention US sanctions on UAE Wagner Group affiliate could impact Libya operation
Mention 02 July 2023

US sanctions on UAE Wagner Group affiliate could impact Libya operation

Al-Monitor, 2 July 2023 by Jack Dutton/ Photo/video credits: ROMAN ROMOKHOV/AFP via Getty Images A brief...
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Mention What the Downfall of Yevgeny Prigozhin Means for the Middle East
Mention 30 June 2023

What the Downfall of Yevgeny Prigozhin Means for the Middle East

Mosaic, 30 June 2023 by Mosaic Editors/ Photo/video credits: Mosaic Last weekend, the Wagner Group...
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Article Omar Harfouch Received Overwhelming Support At EU Parliament Amid Lebanon’s Crisis and Looming Sanctions
Article 28 June 2023

Omar Harfouch Received Overwhelming Support At EU Parliament Amid Lebanon’s Crisis and Looming Sanctions

EIN Presswire, 28 June 2023 by Davide Lauretta/ Photo/video credits: EPP The European Union Parliame...
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Article The aggressive policy of Kosovar premier Albin Kurti has reached a breaking point with the US and the European powers
Article 13 June 2023

The aggressive policy of Kosovar premier Albin Kurti has reached a breaking point with the US and the European powers

Robert Lansing Institute for Global Threats and Democracies Studies, 13 June 2023 by Gerta Zaimi/ Photo/video credi...
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Interview ‘Step in right direction’: Blinken evokes just & lasting peace as prerequisite for Ukraine ceasefire
Interview 05 June 2023

‘Step in right direction’: Blinken evokes just & lasting peace as prerequisite for Ukraine ceasefire

France24, 2 June 2023 by France24/ Photo/video credits: France24/William Hilderbrandt US Secretary o...
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Interview Turkish presidential election heads to runoff this weekend
Interview 26 May 2023

Turkish presidential election heads to runoff this weekend

CBS News, 26 May 2023 by CBS News/ Photo credits: CBS News Turkey will hold its presidential runoff...
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Interview Brussels, my love? What Brussels think about the Turkish elections and the EU flag debate
Interview 20 May 2023

Brussels, my love? What Brussels think about the Turkish elections and the EU flag debate

Euronews, 20 May 2023 by Méabh Mc Mahon, Paul Larroque-Hoppenot and Luis Albertos / Photo credits: Euronews...
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Mention Un second tour se dessine pour l’élection présidentielle en Turquie
Mention 14 May 2023

Un second tour se dessine pour l’élection présidentielle en Turquie

Please note, the article is in French.   Le Devoir, 14 May 2023 by Jean-Louis Bordeleau et Zachari...
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Mention As Kilicdaroglu takes on Erdogan – here’s why Turkey’s election may well be the most important in the world this year
Mention 12 May 2023

As Kilicdaroglu takes on Erdogan – here’s why Turkey’s election may well be the most important in the world this year

Should Recep Tayyip Erdogan win another term, the expectation is that authoritarianism will take a firmer grip, that t...
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Mention En personlig resa – forskaren Magnus Norell utkommer på Kunskapshuset Förlag med ny bok
Mention 11 May 2023

En personlig resa – forskaren Magnus Norell utkommer på Kunskapshuset Förlag med ny bok

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Cision, 11 May 2023 by Cision / Photo credits: Peter Coh...
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Mention Turchia al voto, lo sguardo del mondo e l’autoritarismo di Erdoğan
Mention 10 May 2023

Turchia al voto, lo sguardo del mondo e l’autoritarismo di Erdoğan

Please note, the article is in Italian.   Voci Globali, 10 May 2023 by Violetta Silvestri / Photo...
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Mention Expert: Erdogan skulle hellre dö än fly landet
Mention 03 May 2023

Expert: Erdogan skulle hellre dö än fly landet

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Omni, 3 May 2023 by Anders Hovne / Photo credits: Omni...
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Mention Onions and prayer rugs: Turkey approaches its decisive battle for democracy
Mention 03 May 2023

Onions and prayer rugs: Turkey approaches its decisive battle for democracy

Politico, 3 May 2023 by Christian Oliver/ Photo credits: Burak Kara/Getty Images Food prices and religio...
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Mention Iran boosts the Russian invasion in Ukraine with 300,000 artillery shells
Mention 25 April 2023

Iran boosts the Russian invasion in Ukraine with 300,000 artillery shells

All Arab News, 25 April 2023 by All Arab News Staff/ Photo credits: IDF Spokesperson's Office Iran has e...
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Mention RT Arabic has huge influence in Middle East – Politico
Mention 08 April 2023

RT Arabic has huge influence in Middle East – Politico

Big News Network, 8 April 2023 by Photo credits: The growing popularity of the channel fa...
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Mention Russia Is Winning the Information War in the Middle East
Mention 31 March 2023

Russia Is Winning the Information War in the Middle East

Mosaic, 31 March 2023 by Mosaic/ Photo credits: Mosaic According to a recent survey, Arabs ages eighteen t...
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Article Russia’s Disinformation Machine Has a Middle East Advantage
Article 23 March 2023

Russia’s Disinformation Machine Has a Middle East Advantage

Foreign Policy, 23 March 2023 by Anna Borshchevskaya / Photo credits: Kirill Kudryavtsev/ AFP via Getty Images...
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Article Is the EU ready for the increasingly likely democratic change in Turkey?
Article 22 March 2023

Is the EU ready for the increasingly likely democratic change in Turkey?

Euronews, 22 March 2023 by Demir Murat Seyrek / Photo credits: AP Photo/Euronews A democratic change in Tu...
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Mention China is the main beneficiary of its infrastructure projects in Africa — experts
Mention 16 March 2023

China is the main beneficiary of its infrastructure projects in Africa — experts

MedAfrica, 16 March 2023 by Khalid Al Mouahidi / Photo credits:  Getty Images As China and Russia are bol...
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Mention Africa pays the price as China and Russia muscle in
Mention 15 March 2023

Africa pays the price as China and Russia muscle in

France24, 15 March 2023 by Agence France Press / Photo credits:  SIMON MAINA / AFP/File Doha (AFP) – C...
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Mention Africa facing Chinese and Russian influence
Mention 15 March 2023

Africa facing Chinese and Russian influence

Africa News, 15 March 2023 by Redaction Africa News with AFP / Photo credits: Africa News By multiplying t...
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Article The Treacherous Triangle Of Syria, Iran, And Russia – Analysis
Article 07 March 2023

The Treacherous Triangle Of Syria, Iran, And Russia – Analysis

Eurasia Review, 7 March 2023 by Anna Borshchevskaya / Photo credits: Both Russia and Iran have...
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Mention Efterlängtad antiterrorlag
Mention 03 March 2023

Efterlängtad antiterrorlag

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Sverige behöver en lag mot deltagande i terrororganisationer...
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