
EU and international community urged to act to stop the ‘genocide’ of Uyghurs
04 March 2021

EU and international community urged to act to stop the ‘genocide’ of Uyghurs

Chinese “persecution” of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China should be officially re...
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Article Arrivati in Libia gli osservatori ONU
Article 04 March 2021

Arrivati in Libia gli osservatori ONU

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il 2 marzo è atterrato a Tripoli il team di osservatori ONU chiamato a...
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Article Strike USA in Siria, il primo di Biden
Article 26 February 2021

Strike USA in Siria, il primo di Biden

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Nella notte tra il 25 e il 26 febbraio, l’Aeronautica USA ha compiuto...
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Mention Russia Urges U.S. Take ‘Concrete’ Steps to Break Iran Deadlock
Mention 25 February 2021

Russia Urges U.S. Take ‘Concrete’ Steps to Break Iran Deadlock

Russia sees a chance to resurrect the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal and is proposing a synchronized approach including “c...
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La presenza militare russa e turca in Libia, nuovi dettagli
17 February 2021

La presenza militare russa e turca in Libia, nuovi dettagli

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Uno dei punti più critici per il nuovo Governo libico approvato il 5 f...
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Ten years after Gaddafi, Libya tries a new start in chaos
17 February 2021

Ten years after Gaddafi, Libya tries a new start in chaos

In recent years, the way Libyans celebrated the anniversary of the February 17, 2011 revolution was more an indication o...
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Article Don’t Expect Russia to Help Save the Iran Deal
Article 16 February 2021

Don’t Expect Russia to Help Save the Iran Deal

Biden may want to salvage relations with Iran, but he should not assume cooperation from Moscow. The National Interest,...
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Article 05 February 2021

Libia, eletto il nuovo governo ad interim

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il Foro di Dialogo Politico Libico (FDPL) ha eletto il governo ad interim che ha il compito di traghettare il Paese nordafricano verso le elezioni del 24 dicembre, le prime dal 2014 e dalla frattura istituzionale tra Est e Ovest. Rivista Italiana Difesa, 5 February 2021 by Lorenzo Marinone Il Foro di Dialogo Politico Libico (FDPL) ha eletto il governo ad interim che ha il compito di traghettar...
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Mention 03 February 2021

Display the parent document Austria attack highlights Europe’s jihadist dilemma

The fallout from last November's shootings on the streets of Vienna has shone a light on Europe's dilemma in dealing with jihadists, particularly the continent's struggles to deradicalise such individuals. France 24, 3 February 2021 by AFP / Photo credits: France 24 The fallout from last November's shootings on the streets of Vienna has shone a light on Europe's dilemma in dealing with jihadists, particularly the continent's struggles to der...
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Mention Coronavirus Pressures Plunge Italy Into New Political Crisis As Conte To Resign
Mention 26 January 2021

Coronavirus Pressures Plunge Italy Into New Political Crisis As Conte To Resign

Italy is no stranger to political dramas but when a fresh one erupts during a pandemic and the already battered economy...
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Article Il punto debole dell’accordo ONU sulla Libia?
Article 22 January 2021

Il punto debole dell’accordo ONU sulla Libia?

Please note, the article below is in Italian. I progressi nei negoziati ONU per risolvere la crisi libica sono arriva...
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Article Libia, nuovo cartello di milizie a sostegno di Sarraj
Article 20 January 2021

Libia, nuovo cartello di milizie a sostegno di Sarraj

Please note the article below is in Italian Con il decreto n.38 datato 18 gennaio, il Premier del Governo di Unità N...
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Mention “Teaching democracy is just as important as teaching maths”
Mention 15 January 2021

“Teaching democracy is just as important as teaching maths”

Psychologist Ahmad Mansour is an expert in deradicalisation and prevention of extremism. Himself a migrant, he came...
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Article Il ritorno di Daesh in Siria
Article 13 January 2021

Il ritorno di Daesh in Siria

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il 3 gennaio, un bus di militari siriani lealisti è caduto in un’imb...
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Hoe China het beleid van westerse landen probeert te beïnvloeden
07 December 2020

Hoe China het beleid van westerse landen probeert te beïnvloeden

Please note, the article below is in Dutch. EW Magazine, 7 December 2020 by Pieter Cleppe / Photo credits: Chine Nouve...
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Sugli uiguri l’Italia batta un colpo. L’appello di Anna Maria Cossiga
05 December 2020

Sugli uiguri l’Italia batta un colpo. L’appello di Anna Maria Cossiga

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Formiche!, 5 December 2020 By Anna Maria Cossiga Non cessiamo mai d...
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Article How should Europe respond to human rights violations against the Uyghurs in China ?
Article 26 November 2020

How should Europe respond to human rights violations against the Uyghurs in China ?

Since several months, China is facing growing global political criticism over what some call a ‘’genocide’’ of t...
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Article China: dwangarbeid tegen armoede en radicalisering
Article 29 October 2020

China: dwangarbeid tegen armoede en radicalisering

Please note, the article below is in Dutch. Doorbrak, 29 October 2020 by Pieter Cleppe / Photo credits: AFP Eén milj...
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Europe cannot remain silent to human rights violations in Xinjiang
19 October 2020

Europe cannot remain silent to human rights violations in Xinjiang

There is growing evidence of forced labour, torture, forced sterilisation and arbitrary detention against ethnic Uighurs...
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Europe can no longer ignore human rights abuses against the Uyghurs in its dealings with China
16 October 2020

Europe can no longer ignore human rights abuses against the Uyghurs in its dealings with China

The EU Member States shall have a common strategy and adopt a united and holistic position in their dealings with China...
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European Union and West urged to take action against Chinese ‘genocide’ of Uyghurs
15 October 2020

European Union and West urged to take action against Chinese ‘genocide’ of Uyghurs

The international community has been urged to respond to the “genocide” being perpetrated by the Chine...
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Brussels conference draws parallels between China’s persecution of Uyghurs & Nazi Germany
14 October 2020

Brussels conference draws parallels between China’s persecution of Uyghurs & Nazi Germany

Whilst the western world seeks to build strong and sustainable economic relationships with China, are European governmen...
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Pandemic, infodemic and disinformation
23 July 2020

Pandemic, infodemic and disinformation

Europe is facing the greatest threat to its democracies since WWII, and now more than ever we must push back and defend...
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La pandémie de COVID-19 et l’impact d’une épidémie de ‘fake news’
09 July 2020

La pandémie de COVID-19 et l’impact d’une épidémie de ‘fake news’

Pease note that the article below is in French.  European Jewish Press, 9 July 2020 by Yossi Lempkowicz / Photo credi...
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Why Asia matters: Coronavirus and beyond
02 July 2020

Why Asia matters: Coronavirus and beyond

The Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy, in collaboration with the US Mission to the EU, recently hosted a...
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How foreign authoritarian powers are stepping up their “disinformation game”
22 June 2020

How foreign authoritarian powers are stepping up their “disinformation game”

The Covid – crisis has put the spotlight on attempts by foreign powers to manipulate public opinion in the West. Until...
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Op-Ed “Freedom prevails over fear.” EU values are the remedy to COVID-19 disinformation campaigns
Op-Ed 16 June 2020

“Freedom prevails over fear.” EU values are the remedy to COVID-19 disinformation campaigns

Disinformation and propaganda campaigns during the COVID-19 crisis have once again shown why we should take the threat...
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Op-Ed L’Italia e il virus della disinformazione tra Mosca e Pechino. Il punto di Luciolli e Farinelli
Op-Ed 13 June 2020

L’Italia e il virus della disinformazione tra Mosca e Pechino. Il punto di Luciolli e Farinelli

Please note that the article is in Italian. Formiche, 13 June 2020 by Francesco Farinelli and Fabrizio W. Luciolli...
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China’s influence on the EU in the era of masks, spies and disinformation
01 June 2020

China’s influence on the EU in the era of masks, spies and disinformation

Recent investigations in Belgium about claims that China had used Malta’s Brussels embassy to spy on the EU has once a...
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Fresh concerns raised over #COVID-19 disinformation
29 May 2020

Fresh concerns raised over #COVID-19 disinformation

Fresh concern has been raised about the spread of disinformation and propaganda during the COVID-19 crisis. Russia and...
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“Russia and China: different strategies, same goals?”
29 May 2020

“Russia and China: different strategies, same goals?”

Europe is facing multiple threats at present. An insecure but threatening Russia, which has shown its willingness to ill...
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Russia’s and China’s Disinformation Strategies During Covid-19
29 May 2020

Russia’s and China’s Disinformation Strategies During Covid-19

On Thursday May 28th, 2020, The European Foundation for Democracy, in cooperation with the US Mission to the EU and the...
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Statement CICERO – Counternarrative Campaign for Preventing Radicalisation
Statement 18 June 2019

CICERO – Counternarrative Campaign for Preventing Radicalisation

The European Foundation for Democracy has been awarded the project CICERO – Counter narrative Campaign for Preventi...
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Statement Riflessioni sull’attentato al bus di Milano
Statement 21 March 2019

Riflessioni sull’attentato al bus di Milano

Mercoledì 20 marzo, l’autista di un autobus che trasportava 51 giovani studenti ha improvvisamente cambiato percorso...
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Statement European Foundation for Democracy Statement on Christchurch terrorist attacks of 15th March 2019
Statement 18 March 2019

European Foundation for Democracy Statement on Christchurch terrorist attacks of 15th March 2019

On Friday 15th March, in an attack driven by a white supremacist ideological agenda, a terrorist killed 50 people in the...
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Interview Strasbourg Attack: Demir Murat Seyrek on Medyascope
Interview 13 December 2018

Strasbourg Attack: Demir Murat Seyrek on Medyascope

EFD Senior Policy Advisor Demir Murat Seyrek, interviewed by Medyascope, discusses the Strasbourg attack and radical id...
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