
Mention Ukraine war: How the Middle East is becoming Russia’s economic lifeline
Mention 23 February 2023

Ukraine war: How the Middle East is becoming Russia’s economic lifeline

Middle East Eye, 23 February 2023 by Sean Mathews / Photo credits: MEE The conflict has boosted the Middle E...
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Podcast Magnus Norell om kriget i Ukraina
Podcast 21 February 2023

Magnus Norell om kriget i Ukraina

Please note, the podcast is in Swedish. Soundcloud, 21 February 2023 by Dekonstruktiv Kritik Forskaren och författ...
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Mention Taggigt vid omstridd islamistdisputation i Lund
Mention 10 February 2023

Taggigt vid omstridd islamistdisputation i Lund

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Göteborgs-Posten, 10 February 2023 by Sameh Egyptson/ P...
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Mention Sameh Egyptson teori: Sverige är infiltrerat av islamister
Mention 10 February 2023

Sameh Egyptson teori: Sverige är infiltrerat av islamister

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Göteborgs-Posten, 10 February 2023 by Sameh Egyptson/ P...
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Article Factors to change Turkish policy towards Syria
Article 31 January 2023

Factors to change Turkish policy towards Syria

Robert Lansing Institute for Global Threats and Democracies Studies, 31 January 2023 by Gerta Zaimi / Photo credits...
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Article Norell: Stridsvagnar och Tysklands feltänkta vankelmod
Article 29 January 2023

Norell: Stridsvagnar och Tysklands feltänkta vankelmod

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 29 January 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cred...
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Mention A new film exploring how Jewish artists survived Terezin Concentration camp is being shown
Mention 26 January 2023

A new film exploring how Jewish artists survived Terezin Concentration camp is being shown

A pianist’s new film explores the music and art of the Terezin concentration camp.   The Jerusalem Po...
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Mention Terrorexpert: “Problematiskt om det eskalerar”
Mention 23 January 2023

Terrorexpert: “Problematiskt om det eskalerar”

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Göteborgs-Posten, 23 January 2023 by Magnus Ranstorp /...
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Article After Ukraine: Russia’s Potential Military and Nuclear Compensation to Iran
Article 20 January 2023

After Ukraine: Russia’s Potential Military and Nuclear Compensation to Iran

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 20 January 2023 by Anna Borshchevskaya (et al) / Photo credits: The...
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Mention Kremlin-ordered truce is uncertain amid mutual mistrust
Mention 06 January 2023

Kremlin-ordered truce is uncertain amid mutual mistrust

CBS19 News, 6 January 2023 by Andrew Meldrum / Photo credits: AP Photo/Roman Hrytsyna KYIV, Ukraine (AP) -...
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Article Iran’s Balkan front: The roots and consequences of Iranian cyberattacks against Albania
Article 22 December 2022

Iran’s Balkan front: The roots and consequences of Iranian cyberattacks against Albania

Middle East Institute, 22 December 2022 by Gerta Zaimi / Photo credits: Middle East Institute On Sept. 7,...
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Article Norell: Modern teknik avslöjar det ryska barbariet i Ukraina
Article 07 December 2022

Norell: Modern teknik avslöjar det ryska barbariet i Ukraina

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 7 December 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cred...
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Article Norell: Turkisk aggression och svenskt Natomedlemskap
Article 24 November 2022

Norell: Turkisk aggression och svenskt Natomedlemskap

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 24 November 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cre...
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Article Norell: Väst bör trappa upp sitt militära stöd till Ukraina
Article 15 November 2022

Norell: Väst bör trappa upp sitt militära stöd till Ukraina

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 15 November 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cre...
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Article Norell: Mullornas iranska höst – eller kvinnornas vår?
Article 08 November 2022

Norell: Mullornas iranska höst – eller kvinnornas vår?

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 8 November 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cred...
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Article Norell: En ”Nürnbergrättegång” för president Putin?
Article 20 October 2022

Norell: En ”Nürnbergrättegång” för president Putin?

Please note, the article is in Swedish.   Bulletín, 20 October 2022 by Magnus Norell / Photo cred...
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Mention Why the West Should Hold Off on Normalising Relations With Iran
Mention 18 October 2022

Why the West Should Hold Off on Normalising Relations With Iran

Trade with hostile nations is always not a bad idea—after all, interdependence can increase the chances of peace. Yet...
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Mention 09 October 2022


As both sides suffer losses, those in Europe and many across hold their breath on who will give in first. T...
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Article The internal forces pushing Putin’s escalation in the war with Ukraine
Article 24 September 2022

The internal forces pushing Putin’s escalation in the war with Ukraine

NBC News, 24 September 2022 by Anna Borshchevskaya / Photo credits: Sergei Bobylyov / SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images...
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Podcast Av1665: Magnus Norell om Partiet Nyans framgångar och framtid
Podcast 23 September 2022

Av1665: Magnus Norell om Partiet Nyans framgångar och framtid

Please note, the podcast is in Swedish. Acast, 23 September 2022 by AmerikanskaNyhetsanalyser / Photo credits: Acast...
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Article Plus ça change – or what the EU needs to learn (again) about rogue states and sanctions
Article 22 September 2022

Plus ça change – or what the EU needs to learn (again) about rogue states and sanctions

As Europe and the US negotiate with Iran to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, Holger Loewendorf warns they should consid...
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Article Europe and “Wider Mediterranean”: the tale of migrations
Article 15 September 2022

Europe and “Wider Mediterranean”: the tale of migrations

Inside Over, 15 September 2022 by Anna Maria Cossiga / Photo credits: Inside Over   In the beginni...
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Mention Svarila pred Iranom: Lobisti slovenske politike prepričujejo, naj ne nasedajo Teheranu
Mention 11 September 2022

Svarila pred Iranom: Lobisti slovenske politike prepričujejo, naj ne nasedajo Teheranu

Please note, the article below is in Slovene. Reporter, 11 September 2022 by Nenad Glücks / Photo credits: Primo...
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Mention Russia ‘teaming up’ with allies to help bypass Western sanctions, conference told
Mention 07 September 2022

Russia ‘teaming up’ with allies to help bypass Western sanctions, conference told

EU Reporter, 7 September 2022 by EU Reporter Correspondent / Photo credits: EU Reporter   Economic sanctions...
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Mention Lebanese Hezbollah expands narco-network
Mention 30 August 2022

Lebanese Hezbollah expands narco-network

Blitz, 30 August 2022 by News Desk / Photo credits: Foreign Policy   Iranian proxy in Lebanon, Hezbo...
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Interview Evropa musí rychle vyřešit zimu bez ruského plynu, jinak Kreml zvítězí) Seznam Zprávy
Interview 19 August 2022

Evropa musí rychle vyřešit zimu bez ruského plynu, jinak Kreml zvítězí) Seznam Zprávy

Please note, the article below is in Czech. Seznam Zprávy, 19 August 2022 by Milan Rokos / Photo credits: Seznam...
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Interview Was The Fall Of Afghanistan Inevitable? We Asked 9 National Security Experts
Interview 17 August 2022

Was The Fall Of Afghanistan Inevitable? We Asked 9 National Security Experts

19FortyFive, 17 August 2022 by Harry Kazianis / Photo credits: U.S. Army Flickr   Did Afghanis...
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Broadcast How Has the Invasion of Ukraine Reshaped Russia’s Influence in the Middle East?
Broadcast 05 August 2022

How Has the Invasion of Ukraine Reshaped Russia’s Influence in the Middle East?

The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, 5 August 2022   On August 4, AGSIW, the University of Haifa, and...
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Podcast Experten om al-Qaidaledarens död: ”Skapar ett ledarskapsvakuum”
Podcast 02 August 2022

Experten om al-Qaidaledarens död: ”Skapar ett ledarskapsvakuum”

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Sveriges Radio, 2 August 2022 by Felix Öste Personne / Photo credits: S...
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Interview Putin vyměnil pětimetrový stůl za tisknutí rukou. Sbližování s Íránem je ale partnerstvím z nouze
Interview 01 August 2022

Putin vyměnil pětimetrový stůl za tisknutí rukou. Sbližování s Íránem je ale partnerstvím z nouze

Please note, the article below is in Czech. Czech Radio, 1 August 2022 by Kateřina Gruntová / Photo credits: Ser...
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Article Russia And Iran Keep Growing Closer
Article 26 July 2022

Russia And Iran Keep Growing Closer

26 July 2022 by Anna Borshchevskaya / Photo credits: TASS Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran earlier thi...
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Article In countering the torrents of the disinformation “tsunami”, youth should be forefront activists
Article 19 July 2022

In countering the torrents of the disinformation “tsunami”, youth should be forefront activists

In the face of the expanding and worrying phenomenon of disinformation, we need to acknowledge that this challenge is...
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Podcast < Putin picks Iran for his first trip outside of former USSR since the war with Ukraine
Podcast 19 July 2022

< Putin picks Iran for his first trip outside of former USSR since the war with Ukraine

NPR, 19 July 2022 by Rachel Martin / Photo credits: NPR     RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Russia's preside...
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Podcast The Brussels Report Podcast Episode 21 – with Dr. Stephanie Daher (European Foundation for Democracy)
Podcast 19 July 2022

The Brussels Report Podcast Episode 21 – with Dr. Stephanie Daher (European Foundation for Democracy)

Brussels Report, 19 July 2022 by Brussels Report / Photo credits: European Foundation for Democracy Dr. Stephanie Da...
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Interview Young are the ‘main targets of proponents of disinformation’
Interview 16 July 2022

Young are the ‘main targets of proponents of disinformation’

EU Reporter, 16 July 2022 by EU Reporter Correspondent / Photo credits: EU Reporter   Disinformation is a ...
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Interview Russia learned how to circumvent sanctions from Iran. Two recipes to stop it
Interview 14 July 2022

Russia learned how to circumvent sanctions from Iran. Two recipes to stop it

The News Dept, 14 July 2022 by James / Photo credits: The News Dept When Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, Wes...
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