
Article The Arab uprisings ten years after: between Islamist threats and authoritarian setbacks. What future lies ahead for North Africa?
Article 12 November 2021

The Arab uprisings ten years after: between Islamist threats and authoritarian setbacks. What future lies ahead for North Africa?

AMIStaDeS - Fai Amicizia con il Sapere, 12 November 2021 by Davide Lauretta, Sara Senno / Photo credits...
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Article Minacce eversive attuali e infosfere estremistiche. Un manuale di contrasto
Article 07 November 2021

Minacce eversive attuali e infosfere estremistiche. Un manuale di contrasto

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il movimentarismo connettivo violento, tra odio tradizionale e ne...
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Mention Donne e Jihad. Percorsi di radicalizzazione, proselitismo e reclutamento
Mention 04 November 2021

Donne e Jihad. Percorsi di radicalizzazione, proselitismo e reclutamento

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Vento Nuovo, 4 November 2021 by Dario De Fenu / Photo credits: Vento Nuo...
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Article Marocco e Algeria ai ferri corti sul Sahara Occidentale
Article 04 November 2021

Marocco e Algeria ai ferri corti sul Sahara Occidentale

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Rivista Italiana Difesa, 4 November 2021 by Lorenzo Marinone / Photo cre...
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Article Don’t let China distract us from Russia
Article 29 October 2021

Don’t let China distract us from Russia

By shoring up a fellow dictator, Putin strengthened his own position in power. He forced the West into a dialogu...
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Mention Una legge sul jihadismo. La sveglia del Copasir al Parlamento
Mention 27 October 2021

Una legge sul jihadismo. La sveglia del Copasir al Parlamento

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Secondo il Copasir, il terrorismo jihadista resta un pericolo inc...
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Article Scontri a Beirut lungo l’ex linea del fronte
Article 15 October 2021

Scontri a Beirut lungo l’ex linea del fronte

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Scontri tra miliziani di Hezbollah e Amal contro uomini armati di...
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Article Cryptocurrencies and state power: harnessing the benefits of DLT through multilateralism
Article 29 September 2021

Cryptocurrencies and state power: harnessing the benefits of DLT through multilateralism

G20 Insights, 29 September 2021 by Amir Magdy, Zeno Leoni, Michele Groppi / Photo credits: G20 Insights...
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Article Tunisia, pieni poteri al Presidente Saied
Article 24 September 2021

Tunisia, pieni poteri al Presidente Saied

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il Presidente della Tunisia Kais Saied ha assunto pieni poteri. I...
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Article Libia, Dbeiba sfiduciato
Article 23 September 2021

Libia, Dbeiba sfiduciato

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il 21 settembre, la Camera dei Rappresentanti, con sede a Tobruk,...
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Article Afghanistan: assessing the terror threat in the west as the Taliban returns
Article 18 August 2021

Afghanistan: assessing the terror threat in the west as the Taliban returns

There is no other way to put it. The west’s failure in Afghanistan will be remembered as one of epic propo...
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Article Italy Sees Spike in Far-Right Activity During Pandemic
Article 30 July 2021

Italy Sees Spike in Far-Right Activity During Pandemic

Italy Sees Spike in Far-Right Activity During Pandemic, 30 July 2021 by Francesco Begoglio Errico / Photo credits: Euro...
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Article Golpetto in Tunisia
Article 26 July 2021

Golpetto in Tunisia

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Nella notte di domenica 25 luglio è iniziato un colpo di Stato “costit...
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Mention EU’s Top Court: Employers May Ban Islamic Headscarves
Mention 21 July 2021

EU’s Top Court: Employers May Ban Islamic Headscarves

EU's Top Court: Employers May Ban Islamic Headscarves, 21 July 2021 Photo credits: Transparency International/Flickr...
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Mention Putin, Israel, and the Calculated Limits of a Bilateral Relationship
Mention 07 July 2021

Putin, Israel, and the Calculated Limits of a Bilateral Relationship

Where are Russian-Israeli ties headed today? What are Vladimir Putin’s motivations for involvement in the Middle East,...
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Mention First Jewish late-night talk show on German TV
Mention 01 July 2021

First Jewish late-night talk show on German TV

In the show, Jews talk about their identity and life in Germany. Current debates are also discussed. Deutsche Welle, 1...
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Mention After the UK comes Italy’s moment as global convening power
Mention 15 June 2021

After the UK comes Italy’s moment as global convening power

Rome will chair G20 summit in Venice where G7-backed plans have a chance to materialise The Financial Times, 15 June 20...
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Mention Misstänkta IS-kvinnans sista ord i hovrätten
Mention 10 June 2021

Misstänkta IS-kvinnans sista ord i hovrätten

Please note, the article below is in Swedish.  Nu har hovrätten tagit del av den sista bevisningen i målet mot La...
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Mention Ve Švédsku bude kandidovat nová, islámská strana. Cílem je parlament
Mention 08 June 2021

Ve Švédsku bude kandidovat nová, islámská strana. Cílem je parlament

Please note, the article below is in Swedish.  Strana s názvem Nuance (Nyans) chce oslovit především tureckou a...
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Article Norell: Krigets efterdyningar
Article 30 May 2021

Norell: Krigets efterdyningar

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Vapenvilan som avslutade det korta kriget mellan Israel och Hamas har l...
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Article La sicurezza privata cinese in Africa: un nuovo tipo di colonialismo?
Article 29 May 2021

La sicurezza privata cinese in Africa: un nuovo tipo di colonialismo?

Please note, the article below is in Italian. La Cina ha sempre rinunciato a dislocare le proprie forze armate per prot...
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Mention Rapporten sågas av Ibn Rushd
Mention 24 May 2021

Rapporten sågas av Ibn Rushd

Please note, the article below is in Swedish.  Lars Johnsson förlitar sig på rapporten ”Muslimska Brödraskapet...
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Article Rome’s Moment: Draghi, Multilateralism And Italy’s New Strategy – Analysis
Article 22 May 2021

Rome’s Moment: Draghi, Multilateralism And Italy’s New Strategy – Analysis

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has one of the most difficult jobs in Europe. The pandemic poses a particularly daun...
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Article Risken för rasiststämpling försvårar debatten om islamism
Article 20 May 2021

Risken för rasiststämpling försvårar debatten om islamism

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Mellanöstern är det inga problem att diskutera islamism eller islam....
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Article Jihad e finanza 2.0: lo pseudo-anonimato del bitcoin, alleato del terrorismo nella blockchain
Article 13 May 2021

Jihad e finanza 2.0: lo pseudo-anonimato del bitcoin, alleato del terrorismo nella blockchain

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il legame tra terrorismo e tecnologia è andato via via rafforzandosi nel...
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Mention Terrorexpert ska vittna om att kvinnans Facebookkonto kapats av IS
Mention 12 May 2021

Terrorexpert ska vittna om att kvinnans Facebookkonto kapats av IS

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Till hovrättsförhandlingarna som inleddes på onsdagen har försvaret...
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Article Escalation Israele Palestina, gli aggiornamenti
Article 12 May 2021

Escalation Israele Palestina, gli aggiornamenti

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Proseguono gli scontri tra Forze Armate israeliane e gruppi armati...
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Article Israele-Palestina, si riaccende la guerra
Article 11 May 2021

Israele-Palestina, si riaccende la guerra

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Nella notte tra il 10 e l’11 maggio, Israele ha lanciato decine d...
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Article Radicalization Drivers for Women and the Growing Role of Female Jihadists
Article 10 May 2021

Radicalization Drivers for Women and the Growing Role of Female Jihadists

After the fall of the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), an international debate on the repatriation of ISIS fighters took...
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Mention 29 April 2021

Svensk folkbildning under attack

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Varför börjar terrorforskaren Magnus Ranstorp plötsligt prata om folkbildning? Och varför använder han sig av källmaterial som är omöjligt att följa upp? Aftonbladet, 29 April 2021 by Elina Pahnke “En individ med lång bakgrund inom studieförbunden bedömer att omkring 60 procent av studieförbundens totala verksamhet är fusk.” Den 20 februari publicerar DN ett inlägg från te...
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Mention Qatar Twittersphere stands with Palestinians against ‘barbaric’ Israeli attacks
Mention 26 April 2021

Qatar Twittersphere stands with Palestinians against ‘barbaric’ Israeli attacks

Prominent Al Jazeera figures and other social media users from Qatar took to Twitter to express their anger at continued...
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Article Russia in the Middle East: A Source of Stability or a Pot-Stirrer?
Article 21 April 2021

Russia in the Middle East: A Source of Stability or a Pot-Stirrer?

If Washington continues to deprioritize the Middle East, Russia will accelerate its convergence with Iran and essentia...
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Article Libia, 60 osservatori ONU per monitorare il cessate il fuoco
Article 20 April 2021

Libia, 60 osservatori ONU per monitorare il cessate il fuoco

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell’ONU (UNSC) ha dato l’ok defi...
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Article Terror: When Images Become Weapons
Article 19 April 2021

Terror: When Images Become Weapons

Terror: When Images Become Weapons, 19 April 2021 by Francesco Begoglio Errico / Photo credits: European Eye on Radical...
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Article I droni marocchini colpiscono i vertici del Polisario
Article 09 April 2021

I droni marocchini colpiscono i vertici del Polisario

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il 7 aprile, il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Gendarmeria del Fronte Pol...
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Article Il diritto alla rivolta
Article 05 March 2021

Il diritto alla rivolta

Please note, the article below is in Italian. L’assoluzione dell’ex presidente nel procedimento di impeachment no...
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