
Mention Russians look to UAE to escape economic turmoil as sanctions bite
Mention 04 March 2022

Russians look to UAE to escape economic turmoil as sanctions bite

Growing numbers of wealthy Russians are heading for the UAE after invasion of Ukraine leaves Moscow's financial system t...
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Mention Babyn Yar Wasn’t Bombed. But Ukraine’s Zelensky Finds a Useful Tool to Rally Jews to His Cause
Mention 04 March 2022

Babyn Yar Wasn’t Bombed. But Ukraine’s Zelensky Finds a Useful Tool to Rally Jews to His Cause

Ukraine’s Jewish president counters Russia’s lies about “denazification.” The Detroit Jewish News, 4 Ma...
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Podcast A conversation with Anna Borshchevskaya about Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine
Podcast 04 March 2022

A conversation with Anna Borshchevskaya about Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine

Voice of America, 4 March 2022 by Carol Castiel / Photo credits: Voice of America   Host Carol Castiel talks...
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Mention The challenges facing Israel
Mention 03 March 2022

The challenges facing Israel

The Australian Jewish News, 3 March 2022 by Peter Kohn/ Photo credits: AIJAC ISRAEL finds itself “in a very to...
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Mention Russia’s Syria intervention provided hints for Ukraine war
Mention 01 March 2022

Russia’s Syria intervention provided hints for Ukraine war

Spectrum News NY1, 1 March 2022 by Associated Press / Photo credits: AP Photo/Hassan Ammar BEIRUT (AP) — From a te...
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Mention Putin’s next invasion will be sooner than you think
Mention 28 February 2022

Putin’s next invasion will be sooner than you think

Washington Examiner, 28 February 2022 by Michael Rubin / Photo credits: Washington Examiner While they may be taking...
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Article Why Russia Is Destined For Defeat In Ukraine
Article 27 February 2022

Why Russia Is Destined For Defeat In Ukraine

19FortyFive, 27 February 2022 by  Anna Borshchevskaya / Photo credits: Creative Commons Why Russia wo...
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Mention Israel Condemns Russia’s Ukraine Invasion, Stops Short of Military Assistance to Kyiv
Mention 24 February 2022

Israel Condemns Russia’s Ukraine Invasion, Stops Short of Military Assistance to Kyiv

CBN News, 24 February 2022 by Julie Stahl and Chris Mitchell / Photo credits: CBN News Jerusalem Timelines Israeli P...
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Mention The Ukraine-Russia conflict echoes loudly in the Middle East
Mention 24 February 2022

The Ukraine-Russia conflict echoes loudly in the Middle East

INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: Ukraine is not far from the Middle East, just across the Black Sea from Turkey, and Russia is pre...
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Article Vi såg det faktiskt komma…
Article 24 February 2022

Vi såg det faktiskt komma…

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Det gick att se vad som skulle ske, eftersom pr...
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Mention Israel Evacuates Diplomatic Staff From Capital Kyiv as Ukraine Crisis Deepens
Mention 22 February 2022

Israel Evacuates Diplomatic Staff From Capital Kyiv as Ukraine Crisis Deepens

The Algemeiner, 22 February 2022 by Sharon Wrobel / Photo credits: REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko Israel overnight mov...
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Article Problematiskt att islamistiska representanter får företräda alla muslimer
Article 18 February 2022

Problematiskt att islamistiska representanter får företräda alla muslimer

Please note, the article below is in Swedish. Replik. Claphaminstitutets rapport lyfter berä...
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Mention Israel Maintaining Delicate Balancing Act Over Russia-Ukraine Tensions
Mention 10 February 2022

Israel Maintaining Delicate Balancing Act Over Russia-Ukraine Tensions

San Diego Jewish World, 10 February 2022 by Israel Kasnett / Photo credits: Bumble Dee/Shutterstock (J...
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Mention 06 February 2022


Russia’s amassing of troops along its border with Ukraine appears to be a sequel to its 2014 takeover of Crime...
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Mention Grapevine February 6, 2022: Sharansky overlooked?
Mention 05 February 2022

Grapevine February 6, 2022: Sharansky overlooked?

In all probability, Sharansky has insights into the crisis that most of the speakers may be lacking....
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Mention EU and international community urged to ‘do more’ to help plight of Uyghurs in China
Mention 03 February 2022

EU and international community urged to ‘do more’ to help plight of Uyghurs in China

The sister of an Uyghur activist thought to be detained in a Chinese “concentration camp” has made an impa...
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Article Is It Time to Get Tough With Russia?
Article 27 January 2022

Is It Time to Get Tough With Russia?

Some will argue that these actions could increase the risk of conflict—and they would be right. With Putin, re...
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Article Russia’s Strategic Success in Syria and the Future of Moscow’s Middle East Policy
Article 23 January 2022

Russia’s Strategic Success in Syria and the Future of Moscow’s Middle East Policy

Editor’s Note (Daniel Byman): The Syrian civil war destabilized the Middle East, weakened the Assad regime and...
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Mention L’eco della violenza. Un anno dopo l’assalto a Capitol Hill
Mention 18 January 2022

L’eco della violenza. Un anno dopo l’assalto a Capitol Hill

Please note, the article below is in Italian. European Foundation for Democracy e La Stampa – Gruppo GEDI New...
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Mention L’America un anno dopo Capitol Hill
Mention 12 January 2022

L’America un anno dopo Capitol Hill

Please note, the article below is in Italian. European Foundation for Democracy e il suo media partner La Stamp...
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Mention The echo of violence. One year after the assault on Capitol Hill
Mention 06 January 2022

The echo of violence. One year after the assault on Capitol Hill

Breaking Latest News, 6 January 2022 Photo credits: La Stampa Today, Thursday 6 January, Epiphany...
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Mention L’eco della violenza. Un anno dopo l’assalto a Capitol Hill
Mention 06 January 2022

L’eco della violenza. Un anno dopo l’assalto a Capitol Hill

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il 13 gennaio al via la tavola rotonda organizzata da European Fo...
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Mention Russia ‘tolerates’ Israeli strikes in Syria, but has little appetite to restrain Iran
Mention 31 December 2021

Russia ‘tolerates’ Israeli strikes in Syria, but has little appetite to restrain Iran

Russia's goal of remaining the strongest player in Syria may be aided by Israeli strikes, but analysts and offic...
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Mention Should Belgium go its own way to protect its supply chains?
Mention 17 December 2021

Should Belgium go its own way to protect its supply chains?

The lack of progress made by the EU in adopting supply chain due diligence legislation has prompted the EU Membe...
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Mention Terrorismo e estremismo venti anni dopo l’11 Settembre. Tavola rotonda virtuale con gli esperti di tutto il mondo
Mention 14 December 2021

Terrorismo e estremismo venti anni dopo l’11 Settembre. Tavola rotonda virtuale con gli esperti di tutto il mondo

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Nell’ambito della campagna europea contro l’estremismo e il terrori...
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Mention Forced labour in China: time for concrete measures at EU level?
Mention 13 December 2021

Forced labour in China: time for concrete measures at EU level?

Across Europe, increasing focus is being given to human rights due diligence, supply chain transparency, and mod...
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Mention Refusal to address Uyghur forced labour is a betrayal of Europe’s values and history
Mention 13 December 2021

Refusal to address Uyghur forced labour is a betrayal of Europe’s values and history

The international community must take necessary action now, urges Campaign for Uyghurs Executive Director Rushan...
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Mention Forced labour in China: time for concrete measures at EU level?
Mention 13 December 2021

Forced labour in China: time for concrete measures at EU level?

Across Europe, increasing focus is being given to human rights due diligence, supply chain transparency, and mod...
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Mention Prevenire gli estremismi. Forse è la volta buona per la legge sul terrorismo
Mention 25 November 2021

Prevenire gli estremismi. Forse è la volta buona per la legge sul terrorismo

Please note, the article below is in Italian., 25 November 2021 by Stefano Vespa / Photo credits: Formich...
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Mention 21 November 2021


Russia is silently attempting to fill the void left by the US to reposition itself as a ‘third power’...
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Article Il Sahel dopo Barkhane e l’incubo di un secondo Afghanistan
Article 20 November 2021

Il Sahel dopo Barkhane e l’incubo di un secondo Afghanistan

Please note, the article below is in Italian. A livello mediatico, la veloce riconquista talebana dell’Afghan...
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Mention Formazione Polizia Penitenziaria: comprendere e riconoscere segnali che indicano rischi di radicalizzazione
Mention 17 November 2021

Formazione Polizia Penitenziaria: comprendere e riconoscere segnali che indicano rischi di radicalizzazione

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Polizia Penitenziaria, 17 November 2021 by Redazione / Photo credits: Po...
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Article The Arab uprisings ten years after: between Islamist threats and authoritarian setbacks. What future lies ahead for North Africa?
Article 12 November 2021

The Arab uprisings ten years after: between Islamist threats and authoritarian setbacks. What future lies ahead for North Africa?

AMIStaDeS - Fai Amicizia con il Sapere, 12 November 2021 by Davide Lauretta, Sara Senno / Photo credits...
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Article Minacce eversive attuali e infosfere estremistiche. Un manuale di contrasto
Article 07 November 2021

Minacce eversive attuali e infosfere estremistiche. Un manuale di contrasto

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Il movimentarismo connettivo violento, tra odio tradizionale e ne...
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Mention Donne e Jihad. Percorsi di radicalizzazione, proselitismo e reclutamento
Mention 04 November 2021

Donne e Jihad. Percorsi di radicalizzazione, proselitismo e reclutamento

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Vento Nuovo, 4 November 2021 by Dario De Fenu / Photo credits: Vento Nuo...
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Article Marocco e Algeria ai ferri corti sul Sahara Occidentale
Article 04 November 2021

Marocco e Algeria ai ferri corti sul Sahara Occidentale

Please note, the article below is in Italian. Rivista Italiana Difesa, 4 November 2021 by Lorenzo Marinone / Photo cre...
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